|8| • Don't Make a Scene •

978 45 36

Brian didn't say anything, he was looking at me with uncertainty in his expression, mixed with anger, before he turned around and walked out of the kitchen, leaving me behind, surprised and a little angry myself.

"Hey, Brian, you can't just walk off like that," I called after him and followed him.

He, however, didn't seem to consider it necessary to reply, instead he kept walking, so I followed him, jogging to catch up with him. "Brian wait," I repeated, placing my hand on his shoulder. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to talk to that bloody bastard," he grumbled.

"Brian, nothing happened," I repeated.

"Well yeah, that's what you told me before you told me that something did in fact happen," he said, stopping so suddenly that I bumped into him as he was turning around.

I was surprised by that, both the stopping and what he had said. "Well .. yes. Okay, but this time nothing happened, Brian. We were planning this, your birthday party, that's all."

Brian pressed his lips together and turned around again, continuing to walk outside where his guests were.

"Brian, why don't you believe me? I'm not lying... nothing happened..." I insisted. To be honest I was disappointed and a little hurt that he seemed to be questioning me. What had happened to the us from earlier that day?

"We'll see about that," he grumbled as he walked away.

I was too tired for this. I groaned, rubbing my forehead before I followed him.

"Roger!" Brian exclaimed when he stepped onto the terrace, just as I caught up with him.

"Brian, don't make a scene," I told him quietly, gently grabbing his arm.

"I'm not making a scene," he snapped, pulling his arm away.

Roger - unaware of the situation - walked over to us with a beer bottle in his hand. When he saw me he smiled widely and came over to hug me, more tightly than I would have liked in this situation. "Henrietta!" He exclaimed, smirking at me. "So glad that you could make it."

Brian just scoffed. "Yeah, nothing happened.."

That caught Roger's attention and he finally seemed to catch on to that something was different. "What's going on?" He asked, looking at us.

"What's going on?" Brian asked, raising his voice. "My best friend is fucking my girlfriend, that's what's going on. Happy birthday to me, huh?" He exclaimed loudly, attracting everyone's attention, before he showed the newspaper page at Roger. "I'm so lucky to have people like you in my life," he bit sarcastically before he stormed off.

"What is going on?" Roger asked again confused, looking at me.

"Just look at that article, you'll understand," I told him before I looked at everyone who was still staring at us. Great. "Hi... I'm Henrietta, Brian's girlfriend. Sorry about this," I introduced myself before I looked back at Roger. "You better come upstairs and tell him the truth when you've read this," I threatened him.

Roger looked at me, still confused. "A-Alright," he said, taking a closer look at the newspaper.

I was just about to follow Brian back inside when Freddie came up to me again, looking at me with a serious expression. "Henrietta. Is there really nothing going on with you and Roger?" He asked, almost with a threatening undertone.

"No!" I exclaimed, getting upset. "There's nothing going on between me and Roger and there never has been!" I nearly yelled at Freddie. "I love Brian, okay? He's my best friend and there's no way I'd risk what I have with him for a meaningless one night stand. Roger is a great guy -" I turned to him and sighed. "Rog, I hope you know that, you're nice and I appreciate you as a friend but nothing more will ever happen," I told him, hoping he wouldn't bring up that drunken night.

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