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We had our breakfast / lunch in peace, partly thanks to our lovely waitress. When Brian asked for the check she very politely asked for an autograph, which Brian gladly obliged to considering she had been so kind to us. And when she figured out it was Brian's birthday she got him a muffin of his choice to take away which I thought was adorable. And I could tell it made Brian happy, so it made me happy.

Brian walked me to work, he insisted on coming inside with me and help me change into my uniform blouse. I didn't have a problem with that of course, I simply had to make sure my boss didn't get any wrong ideas. We didn't actually do anything though, I wasn't that kind of person. But Brian wanted to spend as much time as possible with me, and he didn't have a problem watching me get changed so that was what we did.

However, he had to leave eventually, but before he did he kissed me again, and that was a kiss I would remember for a while. He was a great kisser and he really meant that kiss. I was certain I looked a little silly after he had left, smiling widely at no one in particular.

My boss approached me with an astonished expression. "Wasn't that Brian May?" he questioned, looking to where Brian had just disappeared to.

"Yeah," I confirmed, still smiling. "We just went out for breakfast, it's his birthday today. I'm sorry, I know I'm not supposed to bring them back here but -"

"And your boyfriend is okay with that?" He interrupted me.

"What?" I questioned confused. "Why wouldn't he be? I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean."

"Well, I'm surprised he'd let you go out with another man... and you kissed, didn't you? Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

He wasn't making sense. "Which secret do you mean?"

"That you have something going on with him behind your boyfriend's back," he repeated.

"But... he is my boyfriend. He has been for a month now," I told my boss, not any less confused.

"Yes, but does he know you're also going out with Brian?"

"Brian is my boyfriend. And he's the only one I'm going out with, I don't really know what you're talking about, sorry," I repeated, hoping he would clarify what he meant.

"Brian May - the guitarist of Queen? That was him, wasn't it? What about Roger Taylor? When did you break up with him? Or are you still together?"

"Roger?" I questioned confused. "Why would I break up with Roger? I've never been together with Roger. He has never been my boyfriend," I said firmly. "What makes you think he is? Because he was here the other day? That was just because we were planning Brian's birthday party."

"No, not because of that.. because of this," he said and handed me a newspaper page. And on it there was a photo of Roger and me, with his arm around me.

"What on earth is this?!" I asked, looking at my boss.

"It's... it's from today.. here, 'Roger Taylor of Queen, with his newest girlfriend, an unknown brunette'," he read out part of the newspaper article. "And I thought that's not an unknown brunette to me. I wanted to congratulate you, you make a cute couple."

I was only partly listening, I was still examining the newspaper. "We're not a couple!" I insisted, shaking my head as I read the article. "Honestly what is wrong with these people?"

"This isn't true?" My boss asked, finally realising that I was serious.

"No!" I said, shaking my head. "No it's not, Brian is my boyfriend, not Roger. Oh my god... this is ... I can't believe this," I said, my heart beating faster. What would Brian say? He definitely wouldn't be happy, he had been suspicious of me and Roger the entire time and this would basically confirm all his suspicions even though it was a huge pile of nonsense. This wasn't good and it definitely wasn't what I wanted to happen on Brian's birthday. I needed to call him, I needed to talk about this with him, but I couldn't, because he was still on his way home and I was stuck at work without a chance of getting away.

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