|9| • A Stone on a String •

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Brian really tried to make it quick but we ended up staying upstairs for longer than it would probably have been appropriate. And on top of that I needed a few minutes to look presentable again...

Hand in hand we made our way downstairs again. We had decided we would try to just casually suddenly be there again, not making a big entrance, but that plan didn't work. As soon as we stepped onto the terrace, everyone's eyes were on us and Roger and Freddie weren't the only ones with a mischievous grin on their faces.

"Look who's back," Freddie greeted us. "Wonder where you've been that got you all smiley and happy," he teased.

Brian glanced at me for a moment before he looked back at Freddie. "Oh we were just in the kitchen, checking a few things," he said, but Freddie kept smirking.

"The kitchen, huh? Yeah as if you'd do it in the kitchen..." Freddie winked at me and crossed his arms.

Brian looked at me again before he looked back at Freddie. "What are you talking about?" He asked, shrugging, obviously trying to seem casual.

Freddie chuckled. "Oh nothing, nothing... just, next time you decide to have some extra fun at your birthday, maybe make sure the bedroom window is closed."

"What?!" I widened my eyes and turned around to the house, and indeed, the window of what I knew was Brian's bedroom was wide open. "Oh my god," I muttered. "Everyone heard?"

"Oh yeah," he said, grinning. "Nothing too wild though, so don't worry. But you won't have to tell people that you've made up," Freddie said amused.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this..," I exclaimed and gently slapped Brian's arm. "Why didn't you close the window?"

"Well I'm sorry," Brian exclaimed. "I had other stuff on my mind - and if I remember correctly you didn't have a problem with that."

"I didn't think all of your guests would be listening to us," I exclaimed hushed. "They have to think I'm such a wonderful person, cheating on you with your best friend and then having sex with you at your birthday party for everyone to hear.."

"I'm sorry," Brian apologised. "I'll... I'll talk to them," he promised, before he turned to Freddie. "Oh and for your information, we did do it in the kitchen before. And not just once," he told him before he let go of my hand and walked to the steps that led down into his garden.

Freddie raised his eyebrows, clearly surprised, and looked at me. "You did it in the kitchen?"

I couldn't help but smirk a little. "Well, not here - yet, but... you know, Tenerife is a romantic place," I told him and winked at him. "Don't underestimate your guitarist, there's more to him than meets the eye."

I could tell Freddie wanted to say something, but before he could, Brian spoke up. "Alright folks, I just want to say a couple of things..." He didn't get far before he got interrupted by some of his friends whistling and cheering. He turned around and looked at me apologetically, rubbing the back of his neck, before he looked back at everyone. "I am not going to comment on that, but what Henrie and I were arguing about before.. Just forget about it, she's not sleeping with anyone else, so be nice to her." He nodded a little and turned around, before he turned back and lifted his hand. "Oh. And... yes, I am aware that we forgot to close the window, so you can just let it go."

"You know that won't happen," Roger replied, with Freddie chiming in immediately.

"And while we're at it, apparently they did a thing or two in the kitchen of their holiday house in Tenerife... among other things," he added, resulting in a lot of curious looks from everyone.

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