|15| • The Adventures Begin •

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With Brian back in London, things turned a bit more normal again. Even though, if I was honest, I still didn't know what 'normal' would really mean with Brian around. Especially with him in the studio on the recording schedule, the current 'normal' was different from what had been normal to me pre-Brian. I wasn't complaining, I was simply trying to get used to this.

The band was currently recording in a studio in London, so Brian and I were staying at my flat until they had finished their recording. Or at least the current recording session, because in the middle of August. they paused their recordings for rehearsal sessions in preparation for a handful of concerts they had planned in September. I was looking forward to that, I had taken those days off work so I could travel with them and get a little glimpse into the tour experience. I was so curious about that, I wanted to know what they did on tour, even if that tour was just a couple of dates at a festival in Edinburgh, then one at a festival in Cardiff and then one big free promotional event they had planned in Hyde Park.

When the day rolled around on which we would leave for Edinburgh, I was definitely excited. In the short time that I had been with Brian I had already been on or planned more trips than in the years before, since I could remember basically. How could I not be excited? We would be taking the train while their equipment would be driven up to Scotland in lorries. Our trip was surprisingly short thanks to our train connection, and when we got off at Edinburgh Waverly train station it wasn't very late yet.

We had a couple of cars waiting to drive us to the hotel, even though we easily could have walked as it wasn't far. At least I could have walked, I wasn't so sure the guys wouldn't have been stopped here and there. You never knew when to expect the next fan encounter.

Brian urged me to get in the car before him, making sure our luggage would be taken care of properly before he joined me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder when he had sat down. "Everything alright?"

"Yes, I think so. And you? Are you excited for the shows here?" I asked him, placing my hand on his thigh as I leaned against him.

"I am, yes. Hopefully it will be good. There are quite a few other big names playing this festival, so I hope we can live up to the expectations," Brian said, alternatingly looking at me and out of the window. "I told you how it's the first time we'll be playing some material off the new album live and one of the songs is my song and I can't deny that I'm a bit nervous to see how they like it."

"Which one is it again? I think you mentioned it before but I forgot.." I glanced at him for a moment before Roger joined us in the car and caught my attention.

But when Brian spoke, my eyes were on him again. "It's Tie Your Mother Down... you said you liked it," he reminded me.

Of course had said I liked it, I liked all his songs. But I knew which one he was talking about, and he was right, I liked that one particularly much. The guitar was awesome in it and the lyrics were hard to forget. "I think that one will be fabulous live, don't worry. It has the energy and it gives Freddie the material to be Freddie. You know at least one person will be cheering for that song," I told him and kissed his cheek.

"I'm glad I can count on your support," he replied with a smile before he was interrupted by Roger.

"Ugh, can you two please stop?" He complained grumpily. "I'm fed up of seeing your sickeningly sweet couple moments, honestly. The drive to the hotel is barely ten minutes, please ... just behave."

I looked at Brian with my eyebrows raised slightly, but he just shook his head a little. "Don't mind him, he's just still grumpy about being single."

"Aw Rog, no need to be grumpy. You're handsome and a nice guy, you'll find someone," I tried to cheer him up, but he just grumbled vaguely, turning away from us a little. Maybe it had been a while since he'd had sex too...

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