|11| • Cocaine 2.0 •

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The following morning, I went to work as usually, it was nothing spectacular. But when I got off, I was surprised by Brian waiting in front of the pharmacy. "Hey," I greeted him surprised, placing my handbag on my shoulder. "What are you doing here?" I asked him, smiling at him, hugging him back when he leaned down to kiss my cheeck.

"Change of plans," he told me, straightening up. "I had something to do in the city, so I packed everything and I thought we could stay at yours tonight."

Spontaneous, but okay. I was up for spontaneous changes. "That's fine with me, sure. Sorry, I'm just a bit surprised," I said, chuckling slightly. "Uhm... yes. Did you take your car here?"

"I did," he confirmed. "That way I can drive to the studio tomorrow directly."

That made sense. I glanced around and shrugged. "Okay, so... I guess I'll meet you at my place then? I also took my car today because I thought I'd be driving to yours."

"That sounds good to me. Yes, sorry, should I have called instead of just showing up?"

"Oh no," I assured him and reached for his hand for a moment. "Don't worry, I'm very happy to see you, I'm just surprised. I'm not really sure I have anything for dinner if I'm honest, we might have to go shopping. But first we can both drive there and then we can go shopping in one car if that's really necessary."

Brian smiled at me. "Don't worry, I brought food. I knew you probably weren't expecting having to feed me. It's all taken care of."

"You're the best," I told him and kissed his cheek. "Alright, then let's go."

He told me he had parked in a street around the corner, so we parted our ways. The streets were quite busy, not very surprising for this time of day. Normally I didn't mind, but today I didn't want to leave Brian waiting forever in case he got through traffic faster. That was a worry which turned out to be justified because by the time I got to my flat, Brian's car was already parked on the street and I could spot him standing in front of my building in the corner of my eye as I drove past, looking for a parking spot. I found one not too far away and got all my stuff from the car before I walked back to the building.

"Hey," I greeted Brian. "Why aren't you inside?"

"I forgot my key at yours last time, remember?" He admitted, smiling sheepishly.

"Oh.. Yes, I'm sorry. I meant to give it to you but I kept forgetting. I'll give it to you inside. Sorry I kept you waiting, the roads were busy. How did you get here so fast? Is there a secret lane for famous people that I don't know about?" I asked, getting the key out of my handbag.

Brian chuckled. "No, there isn't. I think I just got lucky. Do you need a hand with your things?"

"I should be fine. C'mon," I told him, inviting him upstairs with me. "Did you have any particular plans for tonight or just the usual?"

"Just the usual, I think. No particular plans. Dinner, cuddling, maybe playing a game or something. I'm sure we'll come up with something to do."

"Sounds good to me," I toldhim with a smile and unlocked the door. "What did you bring to eat?" I waited until he was inside before I closed and locked the door.

"I still had some leftovers that I didn't want to go bad, I hope that's okay," he said, walking into the kitchen with he bag he had been carrying.

"That's perfectly fine," I assured him. "I'll go change, I'll be right back." I went into my bedroom and got changed and while I was at it I tidied it a little because I realised just how messy it had gotten when I tried to find some casual clothes to wear for the evening. While I was alone in the bedroom, I realised that this was the last relaxed evening we'd have together for more than two weeks. That wasn't a terribly long time, but it was half of the time we'd been a couple and that seemed like forever so suddenly two weeks sounded awfully long. It did make me a little sad. I'd only get to see him on weekends...

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