|23| • Sunrise with an Unexpected Turn •

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The following day, on our first full day in Miami, we decided to just explore the city a little. Always equipped with cameras, Brian and I took a drive through the city, stopping here and there if we found somewhere interesting, and it was a wonderful day. We stopped in a fancy, but very lovely seaside restaurant where I had some delicious fresh fish for lunch. For dinner, Brian took me out to a real American restaurant, as he, the driver and many, many signs in the restaurant informed me. It was a little overwhelming, but the food was good and that was what mattered. We had a wonderful time together, and I was even more looking forward to the following day, Valentine's Day. It would be wonderful.

I decided to treat myself to a long shower to prepare for the following day in the spa. Brian spent that time in bed with a book, and when I returned to bed, we decided to end the day with cuddling before we fell asleep. As we had agreed when we had gotten to Miami, we were going to watch the sunrise together, so Brian had set an alarm for a bit past 6am. I had known that, but still when the alarm actually went off, waking us up with its shrill beeping, it wasn't nice.

"Ugh," Brian grumbled beside me, straightening up slowly to turn off the alarm. "Henrie, my dear?" He asked, gently caressing my arm. "Time to get up, if we want to watch the sunrise."

"Yeah," I mumbled, not capable of more yet.

"Happy Valentine's Day, my love," Brian told me and softly kissed my cheek.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too," I replied, smiling.

"I'll go ahead in the bathroom, you can have a few more minutes if you want," he told me, wanting for me to mumble my confirmation before he left to get a bit more dressed. Florida wasn't cold, but in the mornings it was likely to still be chilly.

I rolled over onto Brian's side of the bed, snuggling up in the blanket again. I tried to stay awake by thinking about what we would be doing during the day, and also the following days. I knew that Brian wanted to have a day trip through the Everglades, and I was looking forward to that, because it was one of those mysterious places you heard so much about and I never would have thought that I'd ever get a chance to see it.

I had managed to stay awake until Brian returned from the bathroom. He was dressed in some comfortable but warm clothes from what I could tell, and he looked adorable. When I could see him, I sat up, only to have him come over to me and hold out his hand to help me up. He was such a sweetheart.

"I checked, and it is still quite chilly outside, so don't dress too lightly," he advised before he kissed my cheek. "I'll get some blankets for us."

"Okay, that sounds good to me," I told him, before I went into the bathroom to freshen up. I then looked for something warm and comfortable to wear for the sunrise. It was early, but I was looking forward to this day, it would be wonderful. When I was ready, I went to look for Brian, only to find him on the balcony, setting up a cosy area for us. He had really been quick. Since we only had a couple of chairs on the balcony, he had taken those inside and turned the balcony into a little bed with all the blankets and pillows he could find. I hadn't expected that, but it looked so inviting.

"Oh, there you are," Brian said when he heard me. "You look adorable. Is that my cardigan?" He questioned, examining what I was wearing.

"Yeah... sorry, but it's comfortable," I told him, smiling a little.

Brian smiled back at me and pecked my lips. "That's perfectly fine, you look adorable. It's very fitting for today, actually, I like it. Uhm, here, I thought this might be more comfortable," he told me, gesturing to what he had constructed.

"It definitely looks very cosy, I like it. Better than trying to cuddle on chairs," I told him, sitting down with him before we cuddled up under the blankets. It was wonderful, the glass balcony made it easy to enjoy the view even cuddled up like this.

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