|4| • Something A Little Different •

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I wanted to give you a smut warning, in case you don't feel like reading something like that. It starts in the second half of the chapter, you'll be able to tell when, I'm sure. But I'm thinking most of you will read it, so enjoy 😏

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The next few days were spent in a very similar way. The replacement at the pharmacy didn't show up, and my colleague was obviously still not able to come to work with his leg in a cast, and that meant I had to work both shifts for the entire week, which I was getting tired of because I barely got to spend time with Brian. He was busy in the studio and didn't come home until a few hours before I had to get up again and but he was asleep by the time I did get up.

He did meet me every day for lunch break without a fail, and I appreciated that, but it was still not the same as cuddling up to him on the couch in the evening after a long day before going to bed together, cuddling some more and then doing some other stuff... I missed him. I was really looking forward to the next week when I'd be working late shifts. Even though Brian would be leaving for a studio about an hour away on Thursday and me working late shifts meant that I couldn't join him there for the weekend until late that Friday.

But Brian had insisted that I do join him as soon as possible so that was the plan. We'd have to work out something for the week after that though because Brian would be staying there the entire time. I talked to my boss to see if he could give me that Thursday and Friday off, but if he couldn't find a replacement for my injured colleague then that would never work. I really hoped it would work because I hated this, getting home to an empty flat after a long day.

Of course not too long ago that had been normal but after Tenerife it felt weird to go back to that life without Brian there. He should be there.

Exhausted from a long day at work I made my way home from the bus stop, not looking forward to the empty flat that was waiting for me. But I also didn't want to stay out on the street so what choice did I have?

I made my way up the stairs slowly, looking for the keys in my bag, relieved when I did find them. That would just be the best. Actually it wouldn't be that bad because I'd have an excuse to go to the studio. That was tempting. But maybe I should save that for a day where my mood was even worse.

So a lonely evening with a bunch of snacks on my couch was it for today. I was trying to work out what I could make myself for dinner while I took off my shoes and made my way into the kitchen. However, I didn't see what I expected, because when I had left in the morning the kitchen had been a bit of a mess, it certainly hadn't been this clean. There was a note on my kitchen table, so I walked over there and put my bag down before I picked up the note, and immediately had to smile. It was from Brian.

Good evening, my dear.

I decided to clean your flat for you before I leave because I know you are stressed out and tired, I hope that is okay. I also tried to cook something for you, it is in a box in the fridge, and I hope it is edible. If not I would rather that you order something than that you poison yourself. I would not be offended. I wish I could be there with you and help you relax after a stressful day. I will make up for it, I promise.

I will see you tomorrow at lunch!

Good night,

Bri xx

With the note still in my hand I walked over to the fridge to look for the box that he mentioned because I was hungry. And he wasn't an absolutely terrible cook so I had hope that it would be edible. He was amazing... I hadn't even asked him to clean, I hadn't even been dropping hints, he had just decided to do it. And then he also cooked so I wouldn't have to... he was wonderful.

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