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We didn't fall asleep too early, so Brian slept long the following morning, while I was up before him. I still wasn't up early but earlier than Brian. The window sill in our room was quite wide, so after I had made myself some tea I placed my jacket down on the cold stone and sat on the window sill, looking outside. Since we had a view of one of the busiest streets of Edinburgh it was very interesting, there was always something to see.

I lost track of how long I sat there, but eventually I could hear movement from the bed, and when I looked over there, Brian was rubbing his eyes, slowly sitting up. I had almost gotten used to that sight, but it still painted a smile on my face. He was beautiful, even with a bedhead, dishevelled from a good night's sleep. He looked adorable.

"Good morning, my dear," I greeted him, getting up carefully. I placed my mug down on the window sill before I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. "Had enough sleep now?" I teased and leaned down to kiss his cheek.

"Maybe...," he mumbled, clearly still in the process of waking up. "What's the time?"

"Half twelve," I informed him.

Anyone else might have been shocked if you informed them they slept so long, but not Brian. He simply mumbled an okay and took a deep breath. "How long have you been up?"

"Almost two hours," I said, surprised myself how long it had been. "But don't worry, I had tea and people to watch outside the window, it's all good."

"Good, good... I'll take a shower, if that's okay?" He asked, reaching for my hand.

I nodded a little, gently moving my thumb over the back of his hand. "That's fine with me. Do you want anything to eat? I'm not sure we can still get breakfast here, but I can call."

"Maybe that would be good. Just any food will do, it doesn't have to have breakfast food," Brian said, glancing out of the window, squinting. "Is it raining?"

"No," I told him, shaking my head. "It's just cloudy. But the forecast says it'll probably be raining later. Nothing we can't handle though, right?" I watched as he shook his head before I got up and walked over to the phone. "I'll see what kind of food we can still get. Otherwise I can run out and get something from a shop."

"We'll work something out," he assured me. "I'm going to take a shower, alright? Let me know if you need anything," he said, getting up before he went to get some fresh clothes.

"Will do," I promised him before I dialed the number for room service. However, when I asked them about breakfast food, they told me I was too late and they couldn't do that anymore, but I got recommendations for a few small shops around the hotel which would likely have what I was looking for. So I told Brian that before I got dressed and went out to get some food while he showered.

When I returned, he was fully dressed, working on drying his hair, which was - though I loved it - a lot, no one could deny that. He always looked a bit odd with nearly flat hair for the moment, and that made me smile, just like the fact that he was greeting me with a smile. We had breakfast in our room, just relaxing a little, before I could tell Brian was starting to get antsy. He didn't have to be at the venue for soundcheck just yet, but he went to get dressed, before he sat on the bed and got out the guitar and practised just a little bit more. He wasn't really nervous about going on stage, I could tell he was nervous about Tie Your Mother Down because that was his song, and it was new, unreleased. I just let him be and returned to sitting on the window sill to read my book.

"Henrie?" Brian eventually asked, silencing his guitar by putting his hands on the strings. "Are you coming along to the soundcheck?"

"Oh yes, I'd love to. I'm curious about it all, you know that. I promise I'll stay out of your way," I told him, straightening up. "When do you want to leave?"

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