|30| • Bridesmaids and Food •

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"I love you so much you know?"

I could hear that Brian was very emotional so I gently rubbed his back. "I love you so much too. Now you're stuck with me for the rest of our lives, how does that feel?"

He pulled away a little and very quickly wiped the corners of his eyes. "Amazing," he chuckled. "It feels amazing..."

I leaned in to give him a quick kiss but our couple's moment was interrupted by a very excited Roger tackling us. "I am so happy for you guys, you have no idea. You both look great today, really. That dress looks gorgeous on you, Henrietta, wow. Brian is a very lucky man.." His arms were around the two of us and he was smiling at us.

"Thanks mate," Brian said, too happy to be bothered by how close Roger was being to me, too happy to notice the fact that Roger's eyes strayed to my cleavage not so discreetly.

I did notice but I decided not to say anything because it was Roger and he had seen it all before anyway. Instead I smiled at him and tried to hug him back too. "Thank you," I replied to his compliment. "I hope the ceremony wasn't too lengthy."

"Stop worrying about things like that, Henrie," Brian told me off before he softly kissed my cheek.

"That's right, listen to your husband. It's wasn't too lengthy, it felt quite short actually. I liked it. I just can't believe you're actually married now. When are we going to get lots of little Brians and Henriettas?"

"Oh god," I sighed, shaking my head a little. "Not you too. We already have four parents asking us that question probably every other day. Not within the next nine months, I can tell you that much. Be patient."

"I'm just teasing you," Roger replied with a smirk. "I know Bri can't wait for when that happens either, not just your parents. I think it's five against one, my dear."

"I'm not that bad," Brian tried to defend himself but both Roger and I looked at him in a way that silenced all his protests. "Alright, alright, maybe I'm a little impatient, but I'm not pressuring anyone, am I?" He asked, looking at me.

"No, you're not," I assured him and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, love, I knew what I was getting myself into, but you're not pressuring me. I promise I'd tell you if it felt like you're pressuring me into something I don't want."

"Good." Brian seemed genuinely relieved. "Good... I don't want to upset you, Henrie."

He was so cute but he worried too much, he always did that. "You're not upsetting me, Brian, relax. It's our wedding day and I don't want you to worry so much."

"You're right, of course. Let's have fun today, I can worry about getting you pregnant another day." The smirk was already back on his face.

Sometimes he was too much. But I married him because I could handle him and he'd said a lot worse which hadn't left me speechless either. "We can definitely practise later.. I'm wearing something underneath this dress which I know you'll love. It... pays attention to certain parts of my body which I know you'll love and you won't even have to take it off me to get access..."

Brian bit his lip, but before he could say something Roger spoke up again. "Guys, that was too much information. I don't mind the image of you in some sexy underwear but without your husband in the picture, sorry. Let me know when you're done planning your wedding night." He patted our backs before he left us alone again and walked over to Dominique.

I turned to Brian, smirking at him, but before I could tell him what was on my mind we were interrupted again, this time by Annie. "Guys, congratulations again, but we should really get going. We have to be back at the barn soon, and so many people still want to congratulate you, that's going to take a while. You can make out later if you want. Come on, talk to people so we can leave." She reached for my hand and dragged me along with her which inevitably also meant she pulled Brian along with her via me.

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