|26| • To the Mays •

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A couple of hours later, I woke up again, still in Brian's arms. I gave myself a few moments to wake up. It didn't take long for me to remember the events of the morning. It seemed surreal, but the ring on my hand confirmed it really hadn't been a dream. We were engaged. I was going to marry the man beside me, the man who was currently looking beyond adorable with his curls all over the place and his mouth slightly open. I loved him so much..

It might have been creepy, but I simply watched him until he woke up. He was so handsome, I never got sick of looking at him. My smile widened when I could see his eyes opening slowly. "Hey there, handsome," I greeted him, gently caressing his cheek with the back of my fingers.

Brian smiled, still a little sleepy. "Hey there, gorgeous..." He just smiled at me for a moment. "Actually, let me rephrase that. Hey there, fiancée," he said, smiling more. "Your ring scratched me a little," he pointed out.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I apologised. I hadn't realised that. I leaned up and looked at his cheek to see if I had done any damage. "It's just a little red. I'm sorry, I didn't think about that. I'll have to keep that in mind in the future." I softly kissed his cheek where I had scratched him, making him smile.

"It's okay, it's a reminder that this is real," he said, smiling. "You haven't changed your mind about it, have you?"

"What? No," I told him, a little confused by that question. "Should I have? Why do you ask?"

"I'm just... making sure. It seems much too good to be true..."

"You're so sweet, and so weird," I told him. "But I haven't changed my mind, and I'm not going to."

"Alright," Brian said with a smile. "Good. That makes me so happy, you have no idea."

"I feel the same," I told him, smiling back at him. "How do you feel about going for breakfast? I'm quite hungry."

"Me too," Brian agreed. "Let's go, we can see if the guys are up as well."

"Sure, nothing quite like a Valentine's breakfast as breakfast with the band," I said amused.

"Oh, uhm, would you rather be alone?" Brian asked, seeming surprised by my reaction. "That's okay, we can sit separately if you want. You're right, it's not exactly romantic. I'm sorry, I suppose I was just excited to- well, to brag a little."

"Brag?" I asked surprised. "About what? The balcony adventure?" He was just a guy, good to know..

Brian smirked a little. "Well actually, I was talking about the engagement, but good to know what's on your mind."

That made me chuckle. Maybe I wasn't any better. "What can I say, in bed with you usually there's one topic primarily on my mind," I told him, winking at him.

Brian laughed. "I can't say that I have a problem with that, don't worry," he told me and kissed me. We both got up and got ready for the day. Normally we probably wouldn't have dressed up for breakfast, but this was a special occasion, and the hotel was fancier than the usual hotels. We didn't overdress, but Brian put on a dress shirt instead of a cardigan, and I put on a nice blouse and skirt instead of comfy trousers and a shirt or one of Brian's cardigans.

Hand in hand, we walked into the breakfast room, a lovely big room with a view of the palm trees outside the hotel and of the ocean. "I can see the guys," Brian pointed out. "So do you want to sit with them or on our own?"

"We can sit with them," I told him. "I wasn't serious before, I like them. And we have the entire day together later, we can have breakfast with them."

"Alright," Brian said, smiling. "Because I do want to tell them I did have the courage to propose. They were teasing me a little."

"Of course they were," I said amused. That did sound like them. "Let's go prove them wrong."

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