|25| • The Most Fabulous Couple •

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"So?" Brian asked, still breathing heavily as he lay down next to me, pulling the blankets around us a little tighter. "Was that rock 'n roll enough for you now?" He teased, making me laugh.

"Oh yes, definitely," I told him, chuckling before I softly kissed his chest. "I love you," I told him, wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you," Brian said, holding me close. "Oh, look at that," he said, gently tapping my back before he gestured for me to turn around. "The sun is up.."

We had missed sunrise, or at least we had been too occupied to actually watch it, but I didn't regret that at all. "It's beautiful," I told him. "It's gorgeous with the beach." I sat up a little, holding the blanket to my chest.

I could feel Brian softly kissing my back, which made me smile. This was perfect. "You're more beautiful," he said quietly. "What do you say we get cleaned up and then continue cuddling?"

"That sounds wonderful to me," I told him and turned around again. "I'll be quick," I said before I got up, without a blanket to cover me. It was chilly, but the inside wasn't far so I thought I'd be fine.

When I returned, Brian greeted me with a smirk. "I want this every day," he told me, holding up the blanket so I could return to ist warmth.

"Sex on the balcony?" I asked him, not entirely sure what he had referred to.

"I wouldn't say no to that, but I meant you, naked, cuddling, just a slow and lazy morning... I missed this while you weren't here."

That made me smile. He really had it all. Sexy and handsome, as well as sweet and loving. "You will have that soon," I promised him. He kissed me softly before he went to get cleaned up but then we were both soon reunited under the blanket. I had put on the cardigan again because it had gotten chilly while Brian had been inside, but that didn't keep Brian from sneaking his hands up underneath it to hold me close. And I didn't mind at all, I loved that feeling.

"So," he said quietly. "Have you thought about how many children you want?"

I needed a moment to make sure I had heard that right before I looked at him and chuckled. "What? Why are you asking that now?" He really was a special guy.

Brian seemed surprised by my astonishment. "Uhm, well... because we're engaged now, remember?" He teased.

"Yes, but that might not be the first thing to discuss after getting engaged," I pointed out amused.

Brian looked at me, seeming slightly nervous. "Well, uhm... but we should talk about that, don't you think? Did- Did you change your mind about having children?"

"No," I assured him. "I haven't. I want to have kids with you, but all in good time. First of all, we need to get married, and if I'm honest I would like to be married for a while. Then we can have kids.."

"I know that," Brian assured me, making me smile. He was adorable. "But still... why not talk about it now?"

He did have a point there. "Alright," I gave in. "Fine. I'm thinking let's start with one, and see how it goes. Then we can always decide if we want to have more."

"Would you want to have more than one?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I want to see how it goes, how I get on with having a kid, you know? What having a kid with your job is like. And you know, if it turns out I have difficulties with pregnancy, then I wouldn't be keen on having more than one, if it's risky then I might not be keen on taking that risk again."

"Oh," Brian stated and nodded. "Yes, of course. If it's risky, then we're not risking it again. Your health definitely comes first. I didn't really think about that," he admitted. "But I wouldn't do anything that would put you in danger. I hope you know that, Henrie."

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