Chapter 23

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I ended the conversation but I remembered AHH BYUL Y/N WHY DID YOU FORGET?!

Two months have past and he has been trying to contact me so I changed my phone number but I still need some of the numbers so I went back to the store and asked the staff man.

"Hello sir." I said trying to sound as nice as posible.

"Oh hello young lady how may I help you today?" He asked.

"Well a couple of days ago I changed my phone number but I'm here to know if I can get back any of the Numbers that I need." I responded and then asked another question.

"Oh I think so... let me check" he said.

After that I had my aunt's number back!! YAY. I went back home and called her.

Calling Aunt Eun-byul....

Aunt: hello?

Y/N: Aunt?

Aunt: Y/N?

Y/N: Aunt? It's me Y/N. I changed my number that's why I'm calling you like this. This is my new number so switch it.... plz. 

Aunt: *chuckles* ok honey.

Y/N: what?

Aunt: nothing... I will ok?

Y/N: ok thx Aunt!

Aunt: no problem honey but I have to tell you something....

Y/N: what is it?

Aunt: so.... I have decided or thought that it will be better for you if you moved back with me in the UK.

Y/N: what?! Really??

Aunt: yes but I want it to be as soon as possible or as you guys say it now a days ASAP.

Y/N: oh... but my friends!

Aunt: it's ok you will be fine here. I promise.

Y/N: ok... I'm going to miss them a lot though...

Aunt: I know honey but it's for your best, I need you here because I'm getting old and I need someone to take care of me, and I know you are good at that so please come and help your old Aunt ok?

Y/N: ok... fine

Aunt: thank you! But I need it to be ASAP ok? How about this Sunday?

Y/N: WHAT?! That's only 2 days away!!

Aunt: Well you better start packing up!!

Y/N: ok... bye!

Call ended

Well I need to start packing up but.. how am I gonna tell her that I'm pregnant?!

(Your in your first trimester; 3 month; and 13 week😊)

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(Your in your first trimester; 3 month; and 13 week😊)

It was the next day and I still didn't know what to do... I took a quick shower and changed into something to go out in.

And very little makeup with my hair down since I cut it last week

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And very little makeup with my hair down since I cut it last week.

I went out the front door and directly to Tzuyu's house

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I went out the front door and directly to Tzuyu's house. 

When I got there I knocked I was a bit nervous since I didn't really see her that often ever since that pregnancy test and I haven't seen her since last week either.

Then the door open... I was shocked.

"What happened to you?!" I asked surprised.

She went from innocent Tzuyu to

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She went from innocent Tzuyu to...

She went from innocent Tzuyu to

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"Are you a witch?!" I shouted.

"What's with the scandal??" I heard another familiar voice say.


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