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(Madison POV)

I woke up and looked at my phone and saw a text from Jacob saying he had to go put of state for a job thing. I sighed to myself, dragging myself out of bed I went to the bathroom to do my business and shower. I changed into my normal clothes. I thought about how I've haven't been working on my motorcycle, I should do that today. As I made my way to the kitchen I heard the TV on. Is Dean still here? I ignored it and went threw the back door into garage. My baby was sitting there, the only thing I had to do was paint it and it'll be good to ride. I smiled to myself, heard a cough and frowned. "Why are you still here"? I asked. Dean looked at me. "You won't except my apology". He said. "Then some in the brain should have gone off, saying that I don't want to fucking speak to you". I told him.

"You and I both know I can't leave you alone if I tried". Dean said. "Ya know. At first I was starting to actually tolerate you. But now I see there's just no trusting you". I said. Dean sighed and sat down in a chair. "Look princess, you ain't no trip to happy town either. I don't trust you either, you can lie with a straight face and not tell me anything". He said. "I have my rights". I said. "Naw, you have your lies. Tell me where you go after school when you're not at practice"? Dean said. "I go to that mall". I lied. "And you're telling a ball face ass lie. Cause you never smell like the mall, you smell like the outdoors". Dean said narrowing his eyebrows. "Whatever". I said. "You also smell like you're with someone a male". He said. "Duh, I only be around boys. And if you pay attention I'm always with Da'mond. So who do you think I'm with"? I asked. "I'm getting so tired of your bull shit". He said. "Same". I said. I started to work on my motorcycle. "Let me see your phone". He said. "No". I said. "Why not"? He asked angry. "Cause it's dead. I just put it on the charger". I said. This wasn't a lie. "Are you lying"? He asked. "Does it look like it"? I asked.

I continued doing what I'm doing as he sat there here pouting. "Look German Shepherd. Go do something that isn't around me". I said. "Did you just fucking call me a dog"? He asked. "Aren't you"? I asked smirking. He growled walking away. I smiled to myself. I finished what i was doing 20 minutes later, and haven't seen Dean. So I went to the living room, I started watching Ridiculousness. Laughing at how weird Rob is. I smelled food. Dean must be cooking, I hope he doesn't burn something down. I went outside and went for a walk. Leaving my phone it was a short walk just to Barry's house. He opened the door for me. "Waddup what brings you here lil shooter". Barry said. "Nothing just wanted to walk". I said. "I didn't know you liked to". He said. "I don't". I said. "Yo this the first time in a while I've seen you without Dean". He said. "Trust me. He's looking". I said. Looking into Dean's mind. "Wanna come in. The games on a i have ice cream". He said. "You hade me at ice cream". I said. "That was the last thing I said". Barry said laughing. I walked in and we watched the game. I stayed over there for 4 hours. I decided to go home and with that I said peace and left.

I walked into my house and saw Dean walking back and forward. "Why are you pacing"? I asked. His head shot up to Ms his eyes were yellow. "Yeah I'm gonna just". I slowly walked towards the door again. His eyes turned red. "Or, or I could just stay here and um. Calm you the hell down before you fuck up my brothers house". I said. His eyes were still red. "Ok, what do I do. Last time he just looked at me crying and turned back. But I'm not feeling emotional today". I whispered to myself locking my house door. He came close to me sniffing me. I guess he smelled the sent of Barry. His nails were getting longer. Is he gonna hit me? Ok, ok I got a plan. I slapped him in the face hard it didn't faze it actually just made him angrier. "Oh, shit. Bad plan". I took off running around the house he chased me. He caught up to me with ease. Dean tackled and pinned me down, his hand rised getting ready to attack. "Aww fuck it". I said doing the only thing I knew that could save my ass. I kissed, he stopped and kissed me back arms pinned me down. My heart was racing his body pushing itself further on to mines.

I broke the kiss and his eyes we're back green. I let out a sigh, he was still on me kissing down my neck he bit me again. "Ow. What the fuck"!? I yelled. "Sorry couldn't help it". He said. "Get the fuck off me". I said. "I like it like this". He said. "Please. You're heavy and I'm tired". I said. He got off me and helped me up. "You know it's dangerous for me to have red eyes. Right"? He asked. "Yes". I said. "I'm sorry if I might hit you. I honestly can't control it, it's the wolf but you seem to handle it well". He said. "Dude, if you hit me one of us gone be dead, and you better pry its me". I said. "I want you". He said. "I want DC to make good movies". I said. He laughed. "Can I have you"? He asked. "As"? I asked. "I want all of you. Everything". He said. "Sorry but im thinking other things. What do you mean"? I asked. "We still have that bet. That says I can't do whatever I want to you". He said. I looked at him shocked. "I don't remember it being stated like that". I said. "I want you to listen to me. I need you ok. I want us to have a relationship based on trust and truth". He said. "The two things we suck at". I said.

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