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(A/n I made that shit)

(Madison's POV)

I woke up sore, stress reliever yes, pain reliever no. Dean tired himself out last night. And that's saying something, cause he's still sleep. I needed to wash these sheets. I went to take a quick shower and changed clothes. I quietly walked out of my room. And I made it! Fucking awesome! I went out of the house and walked to the park. I sat down for a while, I hate that I'm the only one with balls enough to come here. Like it's quiet, but there are a lot of gangs that come here. I checked my pocket and I left my phone one the fucking night stand. "Fuck me". I groaned. I stayed there for about 20 minutes and walked back home. When I opened the door I heard Dean coming down stairs. I quickly made my way to the living room laying down on the couch and opening a book. "Morning sunshine". I said. "Hey baby". Dean said laying on me. "Man, what's up with people with muscles laying on me". I groaned. "Last night was amazing". Dean said. "I'm sure it was". I said pushing him off of me and sitting up. "Yeah, so amazing I'm going to ignore the fact you snuck out". Dean said.

"Why are you bring it up then". I mumbled. "Heard that". Dean said. I heard the door open. "Hey Maddie I'm home for the whole day"! Jacob yelled. "Oh my god really"! I asked hugging him. "Yes nigga". Jacob said. He then looked at Dean. "Why is he here everytime I come home"? Jacob asked. "I'm here when you're not home to". Dean said smirking. "Why is he here? Make him leave". Jacob asked. "Jacob be nice". I said. "Why? You never been nice to the girls I bring home". Jacob pouted. "You're to good for them, they were all hoe's". I said. "You could have just said that to them, not cut them"! Jacob yelled. "Eh, please big brother"? I gave him puppy eyes. "I hate you, fine". Jacob huffed. "Thanks". I said. "I want to talk to him, alone". Jacob said. "I want to be here when you give the dad thing". I said sitting down. Jacob sighed. Then sat down between Dean and me. "Do you love my sister"? Jacob asked. "Yes". Dean said. "How much do you love my sister"? Jacob asked. "To Pluto and back". Dean said. "What's your job"? Jacob asked. "Im in a family business". Dean said. Jacob looked at me then him. "Do you plan on having kids"? Jacob asked. "Yes". Dean said. "Wrong, Maddie doesn't like kids". Dean said. "She said she might. And I'm ok with adopting if she doesn't want to have them". Dean said. Jacob mumbled something. "Will you protect her with your life"? Jacob asked. "Yes". Dean said. "So you'll take a bullet for her"? Jacob asked. "Yes without question". Dean said. Jacob pulled out a gun. "Met me in the garage". Jacob said. Dean looked at me. I took the gun from Jacob.

"Do I have you approval dad"? I asked. "No, I don't like him. But you can date him". Jacob groaned. "Thanks Jacob". I said. "Ok, Maddie". Jacob said. Jacob went to his room. "I don't like your brother". Dean said. "I'm pretty sure he feels the same". I said. Dean sat closer to me, and kissed me. "No". I said pulling away. "It's just a kiss". Dean said. "Yeah, but if Jacob comes down he's going to see". I said. "So! He saw us kiss before". Dean groaned. I rolled my eyes. "I ordered pizza, Maddie"! Jacob called. "K, bitch"! I said. "And for that I'll beat you up". Jacob said. "Try me bitch". I said. "Does he hit you"? Dean asked in a low growl. "No. Empty threats he'll never hit me. He's never have". I said. "Good, thought I might have to kill him". Dean said, he was serious. I just looked at him. "You scare me sometimes". I said. "Yo Maddie, I'm heading to the mall". Jacob said. "Yo, if you trying to pick up bitches. Go to Victorious secrets". I said. "Looking out". Jacob said fist bumping. "Yeah". I said. Jacob left. "Yo, I need to go to the store". I said. Dean looked at me. "For what"? Dean asked. "Well food just doesn't magically appear in this house". I said getting up.

"You want me to drive you"? Dean asked. "Naw, I can take my motorcycle". I said. Dean looked like he was thinking. "Naw, I'll drive you". Dean said. "I don't care what you do. I just need my phone and wallet". I said. Dean ran up and got my stuff. I grabbed my keys and locked up. Once we were in the car Dean started driving. "What store do you want to go to"? Dean asked. "We can just to Walmart". I said texting Diego on my phone. "Dean, if I had puppy how would you act"? I asked. "I will kill it". Dean said. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. "So can I get a puppy"? I asked. "No, if you want a dog I'll just turn into a wolf". Dean said. "Who pissed in your coffee"? I asked. Dean parked the car. I walked away as he locked his car. He caught up with me. "What do you need"? He asked.

"Chicken, Mac and cheese, beans, sausages, pancake mix, milk, eggs, bacon, steak, roast, pork chops. The list goes". I said. After about 10 minutes we got everything. Dean picked up condoms. I didn't question it, I don't question anything he does. Dean went away to look at some games. He took the cart with him. I shrugged. "Hi"! Someone called tapping me. "Hi"? I asked. This dude had light brown eyes. Had black hair with dyed tips, he had dreads. He wore joggers and a matching shirt. He was good looking. Nope Dean, gotta get away from this dude. "You're so fine". He said. "Thanks. I guess". I said. "I'm Robert". He said. "I have to go". I said. "Wait. What's your name? And do you have a boyfriend"? He asked. "Madison I found the new Mario game you like". Dean said walking towards me. "Who this"? Dean asked. "He's leaving". I said. God please leave. This is a public place. The guy left. Dean kissed me and held my hand. "How come every time I leave your side some nigga is up on you? I don't get humans". Dean mumbled. I rolled my eyes. We we to the check out. And Dean paid before I could take out my wallet. I looked at him as he put the things in bags and loaded them back into the cart. I helped him and we left out. "You didn't have to pay I had got a lot of stuff". I said. "I'm rich. Money isn't a problem". Dean said. "Dean, I read that werewolves live a really long time". I said. "Yeah, the oldest one is at least 60,983 years old". Dean said. "So we'll probably live up to at least that old. And we won't really age". Dean finished. He loaded the last bag into his car.

"So I'm going to outlive, Jacob and Diego"? I asked. "Yep". Dean said. "Oh". I said. We both got into the car. And I started thinking. "You ok"? Dean asked. "Yeah, but I'm going to watch my best friend and brother die". I said. "It's best not to think to much about it". Dean said. "Wait Dean. You're half vampire". I said. "Oh right. We're immortal". Dean said. "My God". I said. "There are multiple god's, which one you talking about"? Dean asked laughing. "So we're going to live forever"? I asked. "Yep". Dean said. "Sounds like a curse". I said. "How"? Dean asked. "I was looking forward to dying". I said. "Hmm". Dean said. "You want something to eat"? Dean asked. "Yeah". I said. "Where to"? Dean asked. "McDonald's". I said. "Whatever you want baby". Dean said. He pulled up to the drive true. "3 big Mac's meal. Two milkshakes". Dean said. The woman nodded and Dean handed the money. And she gave us the food. "You know you didn't ask me what I wanted". I said. "Because you might order something that won't feel you up". Dean said kissing my cheek and driving. "You're going to eat two of those"? I asked. Dean laughed.

I looked on my phone scrolled through Instagram and Snapchat. I liked a lot of stuff on Instagram. I don't really pay attention. Dean parked and we hit out. I went to go unlock the door. He brought a lot of the stuff in himself. I grabbed the rest. And put everything up myself. "I want a tattoo". I said walking into the living room where Dean was. "You have one". Dean said. "This mark isn't really a tattoo". I said. Dean shrugged. "Well if you do, it'll be sexy like you and I'm ok with that". Dean said. "Thanks". I said. I went and got my book bag. "What are you doing? We don't have school until next week". Dean said. "Just working on something". I said. Dean watched me grab a pencil and a math book. My pencil fell and rolled under the couch. "Fuck". I mumbled. I got on my knees and bent to get the pencil. "Why the hell can I not reach it". I mumbled. "I mean I like the view". Dean said. "Go fuck yourself". I said. "Honestly rather fuck you". Dean said. I grabbed the pencil.

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