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Madison's POV

"Bae, hold up one finger". Dean said. I did. "That's all I need to make you cum". Dean said. I rolled my eyes. "You're a fucking horndog". I said. "Just lets flirt please". Dean said. "Fine. Damn". I sighed. "You're so cute I can eat you up". Dean said. "I rather you eat me out". I said. Dean smiled. "You're the sexiest person on the planet". Dean said. "I heard you a beast in the sheets. Can I find out"? I asked. "Hell yeah"! Dean jumped on me. "Dean! We're just flirting remember". I said. "Yeah I do. But I'm turned on". Dean said. "You're always turned on". I said. "When my dad was little there was 20 letters in the alphabet. How many are there now"? Dean asked. "26"? I asked confused. "Yeah I forgot U R A Q T". Dean said. I laughed. "That's 25". I said. "You'll get the D later". Dean said. I smiled. "Nigga are you a happy meal because I'm lovin your body". I said. Dean laughed. "Ight I'll do one you'll understand really". Dean said. I nodded. "Ironmans suit is red. Thor's hair is gold. Get on your knees and do as you're told". Dean said. My mouth dropped from shock.

"Yeah. But I really. Roses are red violets are blue. I really want to go full beast inside you". Dean said. I blushed. "Is your name winter because, you'll be coming soon". Dean said. I put my head in my hand and blushed. "Nigga shut up! You win. Damn". I said. Dean smiled and laughed. "What do I get for winning"? Dean asked. "What do you want"? I asked. "That's a stupid question. You damn well what I want". Dean said. "Well it's either food or sex with you. So I really don't know". I said. "I want you to get on your knees and do as your told". Dean said. "Nigga-". Dean cut me off. "Please"!? He begged. I got on the floor criss crossed facing Dean. "I said knees". Dean said. I groaned and got on my knees. Dean kissed me. "Is that really what you wanted"? I asked. "Yep". Dean said. "Then what's the point of me doing this"? I asked. "Just to see if you'll do it". Dean said. I looked at him. "Damn do you want to suck my dick? Get the hell off the floor". Dean said. I got up, that mood change was weird. "I'm going jogging". I said. "Bye". Dean said. He doesn't want to come. What the hell is wrong with Dean? Come to think of it, we haven't did anything but kiss for like 2 weeks. He's been gone a lot, plus he's coming home with scratches. He can't cheat. He said that he couldn't. But did he lie? I don't think Dean's ever lied to be before. What the hell is going on. I just can't assume he's cheating. Dean looked down at his phone. Also why the hell is he always on his phone!? He never used thing this frequently. Dean, might be cheating.

I don't know what happened but I felt something inside me break. Am I about to cry? Madison don't cry over no nigga. Not in front of him at least. Dean quickly got up and touched his chest. He looked at me. "Baby are you ok"? Dean asked. "Yeah why would you ask that"? I asked faking a smile. "Because I felt a pain in my heart". Dean said. "It's probably nothing". I said. I walked out the house and ran to my mom's grave. As soon as I got there I started to cry. "Momma I think Dean's cheating on me". I said crying into my hands and sitting by her grave crying. "He's showing all the signs. I know you told me I always needed to observe". I said. I cried. "I thought I finally found someone who loved me". I said. "And I thought I found someone who would talk to me if there having problems". Dean voice was ringing inside my head. I looked up and there he was. I got up and whipped my tears quickly. "What"? I asked. "I thought I found someone who trusts me. I trust you. You don't trust me now? Do you want to go threw my phone"? Dean asked.

"What's wrong with you Dean? Why are you acting so different? Why are you coming to my house with scratches and leaving me?. Why are you all of a sudden just don't want to have sex with me-". Dean cut me off. "Don't fucking say that. Madison there's not a microsecond that goes by that I don't want to be pleasing you. Or myself. But you need to chill. I won't cheat, I can't cheat, and I don't need to cheat. The scratches are from training my pack, the long nights away are strictly business. With nothing but niggas. And the phone mess is because I need to check on everyone with there trainings without me". Dean grabbed my shoulder. "I love you, you Pima". Dean said. I stood there. So he's now cheating. Thank my god and all of his. "Madison"? Dean asked. I hugged him. "I love you too". I said. He hugged me tight. "Dean, why are you guys doing all of this training"? I asked. Dean went still. I looked up at him. "We're all going into war. And I want all of them to stay alive". Dean said. My eyes widen. "Dean! Is this the war that's in my mom's journal? The one that she couldn't predict. Dean the journal says everyone, on one side will die and everyone but two sacrifices will live on the other one. Dean you can't fight that war"! I yelled. Dean looked down at me and smiled.

"I'll be fine". Dean said. "No! You can't go. Dean please". I said. "Babe, I have to". Dean said. "Then I'll go to". I said. "Fuck no. The gods already made up there mind. This is a war between my wolves and the Vampires of this city. No humans". Dean said. In the book, they never mentioned anything but the Vampires and the Werewolves. I had tears running down my eyes thinking about the sentence I read. The wolfs greatest warrior will die, to protect his pack. I started to cry harder sniffing. "Dean"! I cried into his chest. "I know what the book says. Madison I'm not going anywhere. We can always change the future". Dean was now just saying shit to make me feel better. "Remember Captain America the first Avengers movie"? Dean asked. I nodded. Is this going to be like Bucky falling off that mountain? Cause that killed me inside. Dean noticed my expression. "I'm with you". Dean said. "T-till the end of the line". I finished crying more. Dean hugged me we stayed like this.

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