Ch.2 - Where Am I?

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Running, running. Can't stop. Is he after me? Don't look, keep running. Duval! Help!


I bolted upright in a bed. Not my bed. A bed. No idea where I was. Then I smelled him. All around me. When I looked down at my side I saw him turning over.

"Morning, Ange." He mumbled. I was in Duval's bed.

"Why am I here?" I rubbed my forehead, trying to remember.

"You were sitting on my porch last night after failing to break in. My neighbor called me to let me know someone was at my house so I came home. You were in shock from something, but all I know is as soon as I got you in my house you passed out in my arms. If I went more than five feet from you, you started tossing and turning so I figured it was better to stay nearby. It seemed like you needed sleep and I knew I did, so I brought you to the room with the biggest bed. Mine. Laid you under the covers on one side, plugged my phone in, and crawled in myself."

I nodded at him, looking down at my hands. "There's dirt under my nails." I muttered, not fully realizing it.

"Do you want to get a shower here or would you prefer if I take you back to your place?"

I thought for what felt like a long time, trying to remember my own home. "I can't remember. Something happened...Can't remember."

I looked up when I felt him moving around, getting out of the bed and stretching. "Let me take you back to your place so you can get cleaned up and changed."

I sat there, not moving, just blinking for a few minutes before I finally nodded. "Okay."

He looked at me and sat in front of me. "Ange, are you going to be okay? Do you want me to bring you with me to work? Do you want me to call in a day off?"

I felt the tears running down my face before I ever realized I was crying. Part of a memory reared in my head. "I was being chased. That's where the dirt came from."

"Just let it come back bit by bit. Your mind will let you see what you need to see. Don't force it. Come on. I'll call into work while you're getting a shower or bath or whatever you want." He smiled.

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