Ch.18 - Pushing Over the Edge

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I had been listening to them from the back door. Duval's room wasn't close to it, but I had better hearing than either of them so I could listen in on them all I wanted and they'd never be the wiser.

I put on a sad face and walked to Duval's room, knocking on the doorframe. "Everything alright?"

"She's gone."

"You tell her about your past?"

"No. We broke up." His voice was bland, filled with hurt.

"I still hold to what I said."

"I don't have a girlfriend for you to go after."

"I didn't say girlfriend. I specified Angeline."

"She might never even come around again. Ever."

"Doesn't matter. I gave you the ultimatum. You have a few days left before she's mine."

He jumped up and slammed into me. I let him. "You're nothing but a fucking asshole who's trying to ruin my life. All I ever did was try to make sure you had a good life and could do what you wanted. The only thing I ever wanted for myself was love. Angeline. And you had to go and ruin everything because you think she needs to know everything. Yes, she does. She has a right to know about what she'd be getting into by being with me because she might get in danger now and then, but the only real danger is you opening your big mouth. Get your shit. Get out of my house. If you come here again without being invited by me you will not survive."

"You forget who won all those fights when we were kids? I'm stronger than you."

The next thing I know his fist was buried in the wall beside my head. "You've stopped training. I haven't. I always make the time to train. And I get a little training at work. You've always let your anger get the best of you right away. You blow quickly. I bottle it up. I've always bottled it up. So you go ahead and think that you're stronger than me and that you'll be the one to come out on top, but when I finally snap you're going to learn the hard way that you're not the stronger of the two of us."

I walked away from him when he went back to his bed. "I'll leave, but your deadline is the night before the full moon. Tomorrow. If you haven't told her before tomorrow ends then she's mine."

I grabbed my things and left, shifting in the woods and heading back to the gang house. Flint was there and I shifted back as soon as I got in the door. "Flint! Get your gear. We're catching up on those sparring matches. All of them."


"Now. I need to get some good training in tonight because tomorrow I'm going hunting early. Alone."

We did nothing but spar. Flint got tired eventually, but I still had energy to spare and when Lucian walked in I told him to get into the ring. Sam looked at Lucian and Lucian nodded at him. Sam went and sat in the stands, opening the computer he carried everywhere with him. I don't know what he ever did on the thing and I don't care. I wanted to keep sparring. Until I could barely stand. Lucian gave a good few rounds and he asked why I was pushing so hard. I told him I was going to do a personal hunt because of something to do with family. He said he was going to hit the showers and then do some cleaning with Sam.

Flint came back up and went back to sparring and we didn't stop until he collapsed. He was having trouble catching his breath and I wanted a little sleep before going to hunt down Angeline anyway. I slept in the gang house, something I was used to.

When I got to Angeline's place the next night I couldn't believe it. Duval was sitting there waiting for me.  

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