Ch.25 - Werewolf vs. Shifter - Round Two

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When Angeline and I pulled up at the gang house Sam and Luke were standing outside waiting for us. Sam was happy and eager to greet me, but Luke was more cautious. "Everyone here besides Duval is a wolf shifter. Is that going to bother you at all?"

Ange shook her head and squeezed my hand. I smiled at her. "Angeline, that's Luke. And the younger one over here is Sam. No one's better at spying than Sam and Luke doesn't really have just any one purpose. He's multi-talented and I try to utilize that when I can if I need his help."

She watched Sam. "You don't talk much, do you?"

He shook his head. "I like to avoid talking around anyone who isn't Duval or Luke. Sometimes my own sister will go days without hearing my voice. Sometimes she'll call me when we're not around each other because it's a good way to get me to talk. Or she'll just ask me something about my latest project." He blushed.

"You're shy. And being quiet and shy often do make for great spies. It's not every person who can stay silent for long periods of time."

He smiled at her words and looked at me, asking with his eyes rather than his words. I nodded. "Guys, this is Angeline." She smiled and waved a hand at them.

Luke laughed. "Noooo never would have guessed that one." He teased, turning to her. "Duval has told us about the woman he's been pining for for so many years now. It's nice to finally meet you. We were starting to wonder if we were ever going to actually meet you or if you were just some figment of Duval's imagination."

She laughed, "Well, I can guarantee that I'm not a figment of his imagination. Although there are times when things don't feel real."

Sam and Luke both nodded, Sam sniffed the air and spoke. "You're not a wolf, but you're a shifter of some flavor."

"Fox. Is that going to be a problem?"

Both of them shook their heads. "Neither of us has ever cared if someone was a werewolf or shifter. I'm more comfortable with humans than Luke is, but he does well with everyone."

Luke nodded to what Sam had said.

"I've got to get going inside. My brother is waiting for me."

Angeline nodded and grabbed my hand. "You're not going in there alone."

Sam grinned and threw an arm around Angeline's shoulders. "And she's not going to be sitting alone!"

Luke stepped at my other side, nodding, "Damn straight. You never know what Flint might do while Devlin's in the ring."

I smiled and squeezed Angeline's hand. These were my people. My friends. These three people were the reason I was fighting my brother. So we could all live in peace. So there wouldn't be more fighting. Sam and Luke knew if they needed a place to stay that they could always come to my home.  

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