Ch.12 - One Happy Family

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 Duval was always the more family oriented one. I was fine and happy being on my own doing whatever I pleased, but he was never happy being alone. He's always needed someone. When mom and dad would travel he'd always freak out and follow me like a lost puppy. I guess that's the one good thing about him having her around. It gives him someone else to follow around.

I waited a few hours before going to the old house. So many memories always got stirred up. Mostly memories of the sparring that Duval and I did and when he made 'family game night' a thing. Family game night starts out with dinner, then a movie either during or after dinner. After that comes a game or puzzle and Duval never failed to pick the hardest or longest ones.

Focus! You have a job to do you idiot. I needed to stay on track. I wasn't staying with my brother to bond or have fun, I was staying with him because I was the easiest way to reach my target.

I shifted back to human in the woods behind the house and stretched out before walking up to the back door and turning the handle. Locked?  

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