Ch.35 - Job Hunt

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Day after day I ended up with every local paper and even a computer in front of me as I tried to find a new job. I was slowly going insane from being cooped up in the house and having no reason to get up early and I was just ready to go off the deep end. There was nothing that tied me to sanity except for Duval and if I didn't find a job soon then I wasn't sure I'd be much more than just someone living there with him who happened to be the girlfriend. I wanted to make sure I could always contribute to whatever was going to happen.

Sam and Luke hadn't been able to provide any advice. Sam tried to get me in at the bookstore where he did most of his signings, but the hours I would have gotten wouldn't have been much to combat the gas and anything else. The hours would barely keep me out of the house more than I already made excuses to be. Then Duval burst in the door and ran to me, grabbing me out of the chair and spinning me around while kissing me. When I pulled back he was grinning like a fool. That beaming grin. "What's gotten into you?"

"I've got the best news. You're going to think I'm magic."

"Is this about your brother?"

He shook his head. "Better."

My eyes got wide. "You didn't."

He nodded.


"Yes. I got you a job!"

We both screamed and I jumped on him with a hug, him wrapping his arms around me and spinning us around once more. "Where? How?"

"With me. You know all those extra shifts I was picking up?" I nodded. "I was picking up the extra shifts because the person who had worked that place before me had to up and leave without a two week notice because of some emergency and I was offered the spot permanently. It's better pay even, but it's a little harder than what I was doing before which wasn't horribly hard. And it's a good job. The people are great. The supervisor, Roy, was asking if there was some way I could pick up both the new job and maybe help out with my old one by taking half those shifts, but I knew there wasn't going to be a way for me to do that and still have so much time with you, so I asked him if it was possible for me to recommend someone I knew who really wanted a job, not just needed it. Someone who needs a job isn't always willing to put in the work, but since I know you want to work and get out of the house I said this to him and that I was willing to put my name and honor down for you. I told him who you were and about your background and he said bring you in tomorrow." He laughed, throwing his hands into the air.

I squeezed him, bouncing around. "My God, Duval, you're a miracle worker!" I grabbed his hand and we ran off to my room so he could help me pick clothes that would make a good impression and be functional for my new job. I wasn't sure if there was ever going to be a way that I could pay him back for everything he'd done for me.  

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