Ch.7 - Living Together

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 For the first couple of weeks that Angeline was living with me she had nightmares every night. Nightmares that she couldn't wake up from no matter how much happened in the real world. I could shake her, hold her, throw water on her, but no matter what I tried nothing woke her from whatever nightmare held her that night. I don't even know if it was a different nightmare each night because she never shared anything. The first week she was almost like a zombie and it was obvious that the nightmares bothered her, but the second week she was less like a zombie and with each day she was a little more like herself. During the day she didn't remember any nightmares, but once night hit and she fell asleep she spent almost the entire night tossing and turning. I was thankful for both her sake and mine that she had stopped screaming or crying in her sleep.

She had called in sick to work for a few days due to lack of sleep and just before she went back we drove over to her place to get her mail and her car so if something happened to mine or if she needed to go anywhere we weren't relying on one vehicle alone. Good thing, too, because I'd called in a few last minute trades at work so I could sit with her in case she had a panic attack meaning I was working different days and longer hours than I normally would have. At least I had the same supervisor all the time.

Roy had been in some time of mood when I'd called in and talked about the last minute trades and things. Apparently someone from the shift I was covering hadn't shown up for a few days so things were backed up and she hadn't called in to let him know about anything. From his tone it seemed he was worried about her and maybe even missed her. Roy got close to very few people, so if he was worried about someone she must have been special. Not special like a significant other, but special like a friend.

I was working on a late shift and when there were slow points Angeline and I would end up texting off and on and I'd text a few other people like Sam and Luke, two of the people in the same gang as Devlin. My brother might not want anything to do with me, but I'm not going to leave him to his own devices or even trust Demeter to keep him in check. The day that Devlin snaps the only person who might have a chance against him is me and that's because we spent hours sparring in the basement when we were kids. Just before we hit puberty we had to stop sparring in the basement. He thinks it's because he's a shifter and was coming into his power and mom didn't want him hurting me after I'd just gotten out of the hospital, but it wasn't that. It had nothing to do with him being a shifter.

It had everything to do with me turning into a werewolf.  

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