Ch.29 - Can I Trust Him

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From the first moment I met him, I knew Duval was someone I could trust. I'd been new to the school and he was the only one who even said hello to me. That first year we had every class together, but the year after that we only had lunch. It was nice to at least have that one time of the day with him, but I'd wished we'd had more time together.

Now, I sat watching him play with Sam, who wanted to learn more about sports and Duval thought it would be good training. Luke was out at work and everything seemed peaceful. Almost too peaceful. Can I trust Flint, someone I've never met, to keep to an agreement with Duval? Could I trust him when he spent time around Devlin? Even if I wasn't sure I could trust Flint, I trusted Duval's judgment. I had to. There was nothing I could do about anything. Day after day passed by and we didn't hear anything. Duval went to work, I looked for work, Luke worked, and Sam worked on his next novel. I ended up cleaning. Sam had his music on while he wrote and it was good music. I kept making sure things were in order and I had dinner ready when Luke and Duval got back.

Eventually it was just back to Duval and me at the house. The only time I got out was when I did the shopping or if Sam needed a ride to a meeting. I think driving Sam was more for my benefit than his because he could drive and he liked it well enough, but I think he secretly knew I was going stir crazy in the house. Duval was good with bills, but I did pitch in what I could. I'd never had many expenses when I lived alone, so I had a nice little chunk saved. I was able to go to the bookstore, but I only did that when I went shopping. Two books a week. That was what had started gathering in my room. Mostly paranormal books too. That was not good for my nightmares. Half the time I slept in Duval's bed and half the time I woke up and he was in bed with me holding me tight. Things wouldn't feel right until I had a job or until we had confirmation that Devlin had been taken care of.  

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