Ch.27 - Mission Complete

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 I watched my brother land in those bleachers and I didn't care if he was alive or dead. I didn't care that I'd broken our agreement to not use power. I was not going to lose to my brother.

"Duval, if you're alive enough to hear me, understand this. You are not welcome here. You are a monster. A werewolf. You are not my brother, you are not a part of this gang, and if you ever come around here again I will kill you. You have done good things for the gang, but you did those things in lies. Anyone who wants to leave with you can, because if I find out anyone in the gang is still talking to you I will label them a traitor and they will meet more pain than they have ever known. Leave this place, and do not come back."

I watched as Lucian and Sam got a stretcher. Sam and Angeline carried Duval out and Lucian got their things. "It was never a pleasure knowing you, Devil. I hope that someday you're put in your place. And I hope that whoever does it shows you no mercy." He walked by Flint on his way out the door and Flint looked around at the mess.

"Tell me you didn't kill your brother?"

"So what if I did? He's a werewolf. A dirty, filthy, fucking werewolf."

'He's your brother."

"Not anymore." My mission was complete. I had ruined her life, traumatized her, and not once had I touched her to do so.  

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