Ch.14 - Lies

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 I loved him. I really did, but with his brother around I was too afraid to say anything. It wasn't just that Devlin and I didn't get along, it's that he always gave me the creeps and I know how close Duval was to his brother. I watched them interact during their family game nights and Duval asked that I stay and join them because I was with him.

With him... Were we really dating? Together? Neither of us had asked the other. I felt like I was his, but I'd always felt like I was his.

"Your move girl." Devlin said, tapping his fingers against his can of pop. I was having trouble focusing on the game. Duval had gotten called in to work and he wanted us to spend a little time, probably so he could ask me about Devlin later and find out what was going on with his brother. He'd actually been kind of nice.

"Sorry." I said, taking my turn and then watching the board as he took his move. When it was my move he didn't look at the board, he stared at me. He watched me as though he knew something was happening. He watched me as though I wasn't a person, but like he was going to hunt me. "Can you stop staring at me like that?"

"Like what?" He smirked.

"Like you're going to hunt me down like I'm a little lost rabbit and you're the big bad hound who's been sent to catch me."

"I'm not hunting you though. You know that."

"Do I?"

"If I were going to hunt you, you wouldn't know it. My brother wouldn't even know it so he wouldn't be able to protect you. Not that he really would protect you anyway." He said, taking his turn.

I looked up at him, "What do you mean? Are you saying he wouldn't protect me? I've been living with him for a few weeks."

"And in all that time how much conversation have you had that's actually been about him? How many times has he really acted like he's your boyfriend? How many nights has he gotten called away for work?"

"He's not seeing anyone."

"Are you really so sure of that, girl?"

"Don't call me girl, we're the same age."

"He doesn't need you. You only think he does. I win."

I blinked, confused before I looked down at the board in front of us. He'd managed to clear the board of all my pieces. I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, you win." I started packing the game up and he sat, staring at me with those eyes. Staring like I was meat. Devlin's eyes had always creeped me out. I fumbled with putting the game up because all I could think about was what if Duval really didn't love me. What if he was just stringing me along? No. He wouldn't do that to me.

Would he?  

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