Ch.19 - Werewolf vs. Shifter - Round One

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"Hello, Devlin." I said, watching him walk up."

"How did you know I'd be here tonight?"

"For one, you cheat. Second, a little shifter told me."

"Who else do I need to kill?"

"You're only going to find that out if you can beat me."

"Not that hard."

It's going to be a lot harder than you think. "Ange isn't here, so it's just you and me, bro. So come and get me."

He smirked. "You think I'm stupid enough to do this where witnesses are?"

"Then we walk, to the woods. Now."

"No. We're doing this in the house. We'll do it where we used to fight as kids."

I motioned to my car. "Get in." The only reason I could trust that Angeline's place wouldn't be harmed is because my brother wouldn't ask for help from anyone. He had always been stubborn enough to try everything on his own. He hated it when Demeter made him work with a partner which was why Demeter almost never gave Devlin the jobs that required more hands. Or Flint was sent out after Devlin said the job was done so he could finish it.

We made it to the house in silence, not even the radio on. The closer the moon got to being full the less music I listened to because the wrong song could cause an early change and that was dangerous if I was in traffic. If I had to listen to anything I turned on some calm meditation music. Boring? Very. Safe? Yes.

I unlocked the door and we walked down into the basement. Dad had built the house from plans he designed so the basement had an extremely high ceiling because it was deeper than most basements. He'd always said it was a pain in the butt to make but that it was well worth it.

Devlin stripped down and came at me. "I'll try not to bite you. After all, we wouldn't want the precious family human to become one of us, would we?"

"All these years and you STILL haven't figured it out? I know people always thought you were a little stupid, but I didn't think they were actually right."

He paused. "What are you talking about?"

I threw my shirt off to the side of the arena. "You know how when we hit puberty I would always go asking questions of mom and dad? And how dad didn't always go on hunting trips with you right away or how he didn't spend all the hunting trip time of the moon with you?"

"Yeah. It's because he was busy with things here and wanted to make sure he could move well enough because he knew he was getting on in age and that he wasn't as strong as he had been."

"It's because mom was a werewolf."

"So what. Then he was just guarding her to make sure she didn't escape and he'd have to kill her."

"He was making sure she didn't escape, alright, but not because he'd end up killing her. Because he'd end up hunting with her. One night she DID escape."

"No. No, dad was brilliant with his inventions. If he'd made a cage for her to be contained in when she'd changed then she never would have been able to escape it."

"Oh, she did. And I happened to be there. The reason you can't fight me? The reason I had you leave the room when Demeter and I fought? The reason that I have choices in the gang and the reason I have so much more freedom than most of you there? Because I kicked Demeter's ass!" I felt the moon start beaming down through one of the adjusted lights. "If you had a brain in your head, Devlin, you'd understand that I'm not a human." I threw my pants off to the side and stretched out, letting my muscles begin their change before I jumped in the air and landed back down on all fours. "I'm a werewolf, you idiot!"

Devlin rushed at me, letting himself shift completely, so completely that his mind wasn't really there. He was running on instinct alone and that would work to my advantage. He thought he was so powerful, so much better. He'd thought that by using the full moon as the date for me having to tell Angeline about my past that he'd really force me into telling her or that I would chicken out and then he'd be able to do whatever it was he'd wanted to do to her. Probably kill her. Or make her into what he was.

The fight didn't last too long. He was weak. When he'd met me at Angeline's house he smelled of sweat, so he'd probably overworked himself by training all night long. Sam had been watching most of it and was able to send me multiple messages to prepare me for what was happening.

I came out on top and changed back to myself. I heard rustling upstairs and went to check, not caring that I was still mostly naked.


"A... Ange?"  

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