Ch.11 - Living Hell

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 "Ange?" Duval called out when he got home. I had music playing on the stereo through internet radio while I cleaned the house. I told Duval I would help out with what bills I could and he said I didn't have to, but I wanted to because it was only right that I chip in at least a little for bills and groceries. I'd debated talking to him about a real living agreement of sorts. Maybe it would lead to something more. I'd told the lady I was renting from that I was taking a short leave but I had kept up on everything and so long as she knew she said everything was fine.

I popped my head out from the kitchen, "Yeah?"

He walked up, his face happy but slightly nervous. "I had a phone call today from someone."

"Devlin finally reply to you?"

"Not really. He'd deleted my text again I'm betting but he did call me about something."

"What's new with him?"

"He wanted to know if he could stay for a while. I told him yes, but on a few conditions."

I forced a smile to my face for my friend's sake, knowing that he really did miss his brother now and then. "That's great!"

"No, you think it's a terrible idea and you want to run right now because you and Devlin don't get along. Don't try and hide it, I know you've never gotten along."

I looked down and debated going back to finishing the cleaning.

"Look, if he starts getting nasty I'll kick him out. He grew up here with me and yes, he's my brother, but he can take care of himself. As much as I watch over him he can take care of himself. You were here first and you're my guest. If he tries anything with you he's answering to me. I will never let anyone hurt you."

I let the broom I was holding fall to the floor when he hugged me. I slipped my arms around his shoulders and we held the pose for a few minutes before moving our heads just enough to make eye contact. "Don't hit me." He whispered. Before I could form the words to ask him why I would he kissed me. I closed my eyes and melted against him.  

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