Ch.23 - Confessions

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When Duval and I woke up the next morning we were both back in our human forms. Slightly embarrassing to a human who wasn't used to waking up without most of their clothing on, but for a shifter or werewolf it ended up becoming fairly commonplace to wake up without clothing and sometimes without much memory, if any, of the night before.

I looked over at him and smiled. "Sleep well?"

He nodded and hugged me close to him. "We have a lot to discuss today too. Do you have work by any chance?"

I shook my head. "No. I ended up getting fired because I was mentally absent too many days in a row. The lack of sleep I'd been getting the last week I was living here didn't help either."

"Let me make things right."

"I'm happier without that job, but I really won't turn down help finding a new one." I laughed with him. We looked over and sat Devlin lying there. One of his arms was stretched out towards the cage.

"Looks like he kept trying to get in the cage all night. Good thing dad really did overpower the cage."

"And even better that he had the bars open enough that a small fox could fit through."

"I'm still not quite sure why he ever did that, but I'm glad he did." I heard Devlin groan and move a little. "You stay here. I'm going to go check on my brother and make sure he's not going to try and jump us as soon as he gets the chance." I nodded at him and sat back, waiting.

Duval was able to easily move Devlin outside and locked the doors to the house.

"So," he said, flopping down on the couch beside me, "before my brother interrupted us you were about to ask me something."

I thought for a moment, blinking as I tried to remember. "Uh... Um... Crap... Give me a minute." I rattled my brain trying to remember. "Yes! Your earrings!"

He blinked, tilting his head and raising an eyebrow. "What about my earrings?"

"Devlin wears both silver and gold. Probably because he's a cocky little shit of a shifter and waves the whole silver thing around whenever he can. Do you wear gold because you're a werewolf?"

He looked up and touched his earrings, smiling. "Kind of. I guess the gold was just a happy accident. I got my piercings when Devlin got his. He kind of chickened me into it. I just kind of preferred the gold to silver so that's what I went with. And it's easier to tell out earrings apart that way if they're ever taken out and mixed up. Though he never really does take his out. I take mine out now and then just to clean them."

I laughed, smiling at him. "Y'know, we should both get showers or at least put some more clothing on."

He shrugged. "If you want a shower go ahead and hop on in. I have a feeling Devlin's going to want to fight or something. Want to come with?"

"And watch you beat the snot out of your brother? Hell yeah!"

We both laughed and he followed me to his old room. The room I was actually staying in.


"Yeah?" I asked, pulling a shirt on and trying to figure out which skirt to wear.

"You lost your job. Doesn't that mean if you don't find a new one soon you'll either deplete your savings or you'll have to move?"

I sighed, nodding. "Yes, yes it does."

"Move in with me. Permanently. Be my girlfriend and live here and let's start building something. Maybe not a family, but a better friendship, a stronger love, something."

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