chapter 6 : Fake love

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After that night I dropped Jenn off to her house I didn't hear from her , If she mad she needs to get over it . I tell her to leave him for a reason she doesn't deserve ash and Ash doesn't deserve her .

Jenn was too boring for Ash & always on him and worried about what he does when she and I both know he's cheating on her . Shit he even tried to talk to me while she was pregnant with my god son king . Ash has told me multiple times that he wish it was me he sent that note to the night of my birthday and shit I wish it was me too . Jenn is living her best life , well I am too but to have a man always buy you expensive shit and give you good dick must be the perfect life anyone can live . Yes I tell her to leave so I can drop her as a friend and take her man .

We've been friends for a while and I've always been jealous of how she grown up with working parents and when her mom was killed I knew that was the perfect thing to ruin her life . Her dad for all I know wasn't there that night she was killed but I know my mom had a hate for Jenn's mom so she sent a hit out to kill her mom ! She took her man and now it's time for me to do the same in return . 

My mom was Italian and she always had connects across Atlanta but when she spotted Jenn's dad she wanted him to be her partner in crime . I was too young to realize it but my mom recently told me about it . Everything was set up as planned , Her dad is over seas probably poor trying to make it back to the U.S and her mom is dead .  The only reason I'm friends with Jenn is to get closer to her man .

I have nothing to do with the problems with my mom and her mom but I'll say this , I'm not going to kill Jenn or anything I don't have the heart for that and plus she has a whole son but I will take her man and make her pay for what her mom did .

My mom has HIV for years and she's hasn't been taking her medicine , So I try to keep her on track as much as I can cause I know if my mom was to leave me I'll be stuck in this world alone . I only see my dad when I go to Trinidad and I'll be visiting him real soon just to get money to open up my store in Chicago . Me and Ash will be together eventually it's not that hard to steal her man I'm just waiting for her to leave him and he get his mind off her .

Today I'll go by and check on her to see what the problem is and explain to her .. Well lie to her cause I'm not with all that kissing her was shit .

Every time I'm over there I wear some tight was clothes and it breaks Ash's neck all the time . He doesn't love her and it's sad but at the same time I don't give a fuck , I'm 23 and exploring as I should . Friends was never a priority and I bought her that bracelet just to butter her up .

I fixed my dress and my sandals before leaving out the house , Walking out the house looking out of place was never my think . I'll always be dressed to impress no matter where I'm going . People tell me how much of a brat I am cause my mom and dad are like the biggest drug dealers in the world and I get everything I want but it's really not that easy . Once I got older and wanted to get money from my parents they started to make me work for it and when I mean work I mean traveling to different countries with my uncle's and setting people up .

I've seen them murder people since I was 10 years old ! I've had to love to different home because my mom & dad would murder people right in our living room floor . It was ridiculous and that's why I've been jealous of Jenn because her mom and dad would always take her out and treat her like the lid she was and every since she's became this person who's very caring and open to new things . Me on the other hand in heartless and searching for meaning , My parents love me but they show it in a business way which is what I'll have to deal with for the rest of my life .

My car was a honda for now but it was the latest honda that came and trust me I will be upgrading soon .  My clothing game was on point because my dad clients are the owners of these brands so they will always send us free clothing to keep there name in the clear . I know if I was a business owner buying drugs I wouldn't want them to run their mouths either .

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