Chapter 19 : What's the tea ?

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I've been in the hospital for always 2 days , The doctors told me today I could leave but they still have to run test on Kalea just to make sure she's ready to be on her own and not hooked up to the IV and stuff . Alex was here with me and Jessie . Ash has been gone for 2 days and hasn't even called . I'm for sure over him and this just proved to me that it's final . I will no focus on me and my kids . He thinks he's going to troll in here and expect for me to come home when I'm not . I'm staying with Jessie until I find my own place which is going to be very soon .

My baby is doing very good and she's healthy . She came out to be a survivor . The doctors told me that it's very rare for a baby to be born early and not be premature . Kalea had a fast development and she's a survivor just like her mama . Right now she was with the nurse and I was getting everything ready for us to leave . I was packing her baby bag and making sure she had everything she needed . I came to this hospital with no clothes and no shoes but luckily Alex went out to buy me something comfortable to slip in .

I was fixing up the baby bag when I heard a knock at the door . It's probably Ash trying to troll his deadbeat ass back in her trying to win father of the year . Me and Alex watched the door open slowly . Lauren walked in smiling , She must've saw my text . I texted her and told her the baby was born and if she wanted to come to the hospital . She really came which was surprising . That was really nice of her and plus she had balloons and a Gucci shopping bag with her .

" Hey Lauren " I said holding out my arms as she reached in for a hug .

" Hey Jenn .. congrats girl " she said hugging me and sat the bag on the bed .

" Thank you sis " I said zipping up the baby bag .

" How you feelings ? " She said pulling her hair back . I could tell she had Something on her mind and she might as well just tell me .

" Sore , the pain killers they gave me are working but only for a short period of time " I said rubbing my stomach . It's time for me to get this girl back in shape and become the world's most baddest mom .

" C - section huh ? Same shit they do to me with my baby Mya " She said . I forgot she had a baby girl . She told me about it at the party .

" Well I got her a cute little shirt and shoes to match " she said pulling it from the bag . It was the cutest thing I ever seen .

" Thank you Lauren , this is adorable " I said holding up the shirt and shoes so Alex can see .

" Anything you need just call me " she said and I honestly needed someone to go grab my bags and stuff from the hotel and check out for me . I trust her enough not to steal anything . Plus there wasn't shit to steal .

" You think you'll be able to get my stuff from my hotel ? If not I'll get it " I said and she nodded back .

" Ofcour... " she said and before she could finish her sentence Ash walked into the room tumbling and struggling with keeping his balance . We all focused on him as we walked towards us . This was a disgrace to me and our kids .

" Where my baby at " he said leaning on me using all his weight .

" Ash she's with the nurse , What's wrong with you " I said pushing him off . He leaked of liquor and I know if smelled it they smelled it at the front desk .

" Oh wassuh Lauren " he said looking over in her direction as he had his arm wrapped around me .

" Ash .. " she said nodding her head , I knew there was something that she needed to say and if Ash wasn't here she most definitely would've said something by now .

" Alright Lauren call me " I said as she walked out the door .

" That hoe ain't yo friend " Ash said yelling and spitting in my face . One thing I didn't like was for someone else spit to touch my face .

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