Chapter 22 : ...

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As we sit here waiting for the paramedics , I watched my son doze off every 5 seconds . I tried my best to keep him awake and speaking to me . " baby mommy's here ok " I said adding pressure to his leg where It was bleeding out at . All of this happening at 1 in the morning . Lauren had his head fixed up on a pillow & her lap . Rich was on the phone trying to contact an ambulance to see if they were in root . King was crying out , he's never been in a life or death
Situation like this I mean he's fell and got hurt before but shot ? I haven't even got shot before let a lone my son is sitting here dosing off every minute .

I heard a knock on the door & rich quickly ran over to answer thinking it was the ambulance to only find out it was Ash . He's the last mother fucker who needs to be here right now . I didn't let it phase me because there's more important shit going on then him and his bullshit . " yo where tf is Jenn ? " I heard him say and the slurr in his voice I knew he was drunk or either high off drugs . " yo ash leave my nigga " rich said before you knew Ash bust through the door and walked into the living room .

" what the fuck " he said falling to the floor over to king . " how tf did this happen ? " he said and if it wasn't for my son I wouldn't be explaining this shit right now .

" d-daddy " king said looking up at ash reaching his hand out . The ambulance interrupted their whole sentimental moment .

My life flashed before my eyes , suddenly the memory of sitting in the back of the ambulance as I watched my mother die infront of me made
Me sick to my stomach . I can't stand to lose another person that I love dearly . Tears started to run down my face as I rubbed king's hand . I prayed to myself & hopefully god will answer my prayers . They set him up in so many tubes & iv's it was just too much to handle . Ash slip his hands behind my back & started to rub me at a constant paste .

Something about his touch made me burst out in tears . I couldn't hold nothing back , all my feelings just came out all at once . From all that I was dealing with today it was just too much for anyone my age to handle . " Jenn I know you don't wanna hear this but I'm sorry & I'll do anything to have my family back with me " he said pulling me close into his arms . I jerked back & slid over squeezing tight on to King's hand . Nothing he said was ever going to make me forget or forgive anything he's done within the past years .

We arrived to the hospital , they rushed king to the back before I could even speak to any doctors they all ran into the room with my son . I stood outside looking through the window feeling like my whole word was torn apart . This couldn't be happening , it's like life doesn't get any better for me at all . As I was looking in the doctors closed the curtains . I dropped to the floor & just bursted out into tears . " god please my baby " I said causing everyone walking past me to look . The security guard grabbed me off the floor " ma'am you can't stand In front of this room " he said lifting me up and walking me over to the waiting room.

Lauren came over and rubbed on my back as I cried into her arms basically letting everything out . " when will it stop " I said crying out looking up at everyone . " what you mean Jenn ? " Lauren said & I hesitated on letting everyone know the real .

" this karma , this destruction In my life . I lose my parents then get abused by someone ..  the only person I thought was here for me & he just turns around and sleeps with my b-best friend . THEN ON TOP OF THAT . I find out her mother is the reason my parents are dead .. well my mother so she says . Now my baby boy is in there fighting for his life all because of me " I said laying my head into my lap .

" none of this is your fault , I messed up & now it's my chance to fix shit for you Jenn . I never meant to hurt you & ima say that until the day you understand . I took advantage of you , your love for me & my kids . I know you don't want nothing to do with me but we gotta be here for our son in there " he said & I got up out of my chair and ran towards him . Rich stopped me and grabbed me placing me back into my seat .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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