chapter 20 :

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I jumped up out of my sleep once I heard Kalea crying , She was hungry which made me look at my phone and see the time . It was 4:30 in the morning and I realized that I overslept . I know King not ready to get up but he has to . He was sleeping so perfect and I didn't want to wake him at all but it was time for us to go . I rocked Kalea in my arms while feeding her . This mommy thing was new to my , King was way worst .. waking up like every hour for milk . She wasn't crying loud enough for Ash bitch ass to wake up . Well usually when he's drunk he doesn't wake up until later own in the day . Which is good because I'll have time to put everything in my car and leave finally . I got swindled to come here when I didn't want to and now I'm leaving .

Kalea was changed and fed now she was laying her car seat . King was still asleep but I got him dressed into his sweats and hoodie . The most difficult part was going into my closet and getting my bags . I walked slowly approaching the room and took a deep breath . I tip toe'd slowly into the room and he was knocked out cold . Everything thing I had put away in the closet I somehow found a way to get it out and down the stairs .

King & Kalea were set up in the car positioned well . I headed back upstairs to get my phone and purse off the bed . For me to just get released from the hospital I sure was making something out of it . I walked passed the room and peeked in to see if he was still sleep and there wasn't any sight of him in the bed . I rushed to King's room and grabbed my purse and phone . As soon as I turned around to walk out the door Ash was standing there .

He laughed in my face as if something was funny . I was so scared of what he was going to do being that last time it wasn't too easy for me to get out the house .

" Where my kids at " he said and I tried to think of a bullshit ass lie .

" They're downstairs ... U-uh king woke up and Kalea woke up so I was going to take them for a ride .. I came up here to wake you up to see if you wanted to come " I said studdering .

" Why do you always lie to me Jenn " he said getting closer causing me to move back as he moved forward .

" I - I'm not " I said .. he placed his hands around my neck .

" Go downstairs and get my kids from out that fucking car . Bitch I saw you put them in " he said

" Ash I just told you why " I said rolling my eyes . He yanked me by my sweater .

" Jenn you really was going to leave me after I tried to fix things with your ass " he said then we heard my car alarm go off .

" ASH THE FUCKING KIDS " I said rubbing out the room and down the stairs . He trailed behind me and we walked down to the garage and seen a black Honda pull off . I hurried and checked on the kids and they were safe and sound but whoever this was spray painted " He doesn't love you ".. " he's cheating on you " .. " watch your back " all over my bmw .

I looked at Ash and rolled my eyes . Everything we go through is because of him and whoever this was he knows who it is I can see it all in face . " Ash I have to go it ain't safe for us here " I said throwing my phone in the passenger seat while I got in . He yanked on my arm and I felt my stitches rip .

" Ash get the fuck of me please " I cried out yanking my hand back placing it on the bottom of my stomach . This was the worst pain I've ever felt . He rubbed on my back and pulled me out the car . There was no way I could drive , I might even need to go back to the hospital .

" I'm sorry baby " he said and I just walked away slowly holding my stomach . This was the worst pregnancy , Thank god for my daughter but the pain I went through to get her here was crucial . I walked into the house and layed on the couch .

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