5 | my story

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It didn't take long for Catalina and Amelia to figure out what part of New York they ended up in and to begin their trek toward the Avengers Headquarters

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It didn't take long for Catalina and Amelia to figure out what part of New York they ended up in and to begin their trek toward the Avengers Headquarters. On their extremely long walk to the building, they talked and talked and talked. Just as typical women do. However, what were quite unique about their conversations... were the stories the told about their lives. "I was born and raised in New York. I lived with my single mom, who was never home because she was an alcoholic and a whore. I didn't know who my father was. When I became an Avenger, I found out he was some Asgardian reject that wanted total domination of the world. He apparently put half of a time stone in me, for safe keep. That explains how I can control time and do other little party tricks.

I had a best friend, Christina; she was the one who set me straight. She was the one who got me to join the military. I was supposed to be the worlds first super solider, but the time stone in me rejected the serum. Then came Steve. A little skinny boy who stole my shine," Amelia laughed as she summarized her life story to Catalina, "I was so pissed at him. I fell in love with him, he swooned over me. But, he also fell in love with another woman. Peggy Carter. He chose her over me. Then he disappeared for 70 years.

In those 70 years, I revolted. I was pissed at the world. All I knew at the time was that my mother was trash, my father was nonexistent and the love of my life had chosen another woman over me. I threw parties, I hooked up with anyone that laid eyes on me, really, and I did hardcore drugs that would kill any average person. As time went on in those 70 years, I realized I wasn't an average person. Everyone was gaining wrinkles and having children, and I still looked as young as I did when I met Steve. That was when I discovered I had powers. At the time I thought it was the super soldier serum that only decided to kick in after the war, but, of course, it wasn't.

I helped Howard Stark, a friend, kickstart his company SHIELD. And I was anointed as a founder, thus linking me eternally to that organization. I practically raised Tony Stark, because Howard was always too busy with his wife doing business-esque things. Howard always had the hots for me, we could've gotten married if I wasn't so hung up on hating the world.

When Steve was found frozen in ice, I got called in to SHIELD for some emergency. That's when they banned together the Avengers. Steve and I reconnected and did what we did best: defend the good. We got married, I got pregnant with twins, then I was kidnapped. I was an idiot. I underestimated my power by becoming too afraid to use them against the man that took me. I didn't want to hurt my babies, but I'm afraid that I did more damage not using my powers. The culprits ripped me open like barbarians and yanked my babies out of me. I hadn't even thought of their names yet. They left me out on the table, sedated, to bleed out to death. In which, they were successful with." Amelia concluded her story.

Catalina held back the stinging tears in her eyes as she heard the tragic story. "I'm so sorry." Catalina wanted so badly to just give Amelia a hug.

"I know." Amelia sighed.

"Well, if it helps, you should know your babies were put under growth serums in HYDRA. So, although they should be toddlers, they're more like teenagers now. They were given powers through the tesseract, which I'm sure you're very familiar with, and they were given the names Liviana and Valdís. Val can destroy and burn things, and Liv can heal and grow things. They're polar opposites, but they love each other. Valdís even has a boyfriend, another superhero named Spider-Man. She goes to high school and lives a healthy, teenage life. Liv sticks around the Avengers Headquarters." Catalina informed. Somehow, that did make Amelia feel better. She felt good knowing that her children managed to grow (maybe not naturally) beautifully.

"And Steve?" Amelia inquired.

Catalina gulped. "Well... ahem. He and Tony had a... falling out per say. Let's just say, Steve and a few of his friends stay off the grid to avoid... trouble." Catalina spoke.

Amelia nodded sadly. "And you? What's your story, Cata?" Amelia changed the subject before her mind began to wander to dark places.

"It's not as extravagant as yours." Catalina chuckled and poked her elbow into Amelia's side, playfully.

Amelia snickered. "Oh I'm sure."

"I am one of the four of Earth's Keepers. Basically, the Earth has four people that control each of its elements. And I control water. I was Tony's protégée after you died, and he told me everything about you. You were all he talked about while we worked on projects in his lab. One day, Tony found his tech-competition— a man by the name of T'Challa Udaku, the king of Wakanda. He had a suit that Tony was extremely jealous of. So, Tony sent me out to go stalk T'Challa to find out all of the suit's secrets. Long story short, instead of coming back with the suit's secrets, I came back with a wedding ring and a crown." Catalina snorted loudly.

Amelia's heart warmed. "That sounds like something straight out of a fairytale. Aw what the hell, man! Why can't my story be like that! Mine is all about sadness, grief and torture." Amelia shouted at the top of her lungs to the sky, causing Catalina's snorting to transform into cackling.

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