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The next week, Amelia was walking through the Avengers building and heard faint sniffling coming from Val's room

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The next week, Amelia was walking through the Avengers building and heard faint sniffling coming from Val's room. She cautiously approached the door and knocked on it. She carefully opened the door to reveal Val quietly crying to herself. "What's wrong, baby?" Amelia asked Val, taking a seat next to her.

"Peter," Val sniffled, "he's really never going to come back. I really thought he was the one." She confessed to her mom.

"I know how it feels, Val, trust me." Amelia sighed, pressing her child's head to her chest. Amelia had spent 70 years thinking Steve was dead. And on top of that, he had cheated on her with Peggy Carter right before he supposedly died. It broke her heart twofold and it seemed all so unfair. She knew exactly how Val felt.

With that, she left Valdís to grieve. She knew there was no other way to get past it other than to let her process it. Amelia went to the bathroom and spotted Steve finishing up shaving off his beard. "You're going back to the old look? The beard was kind of growing on me." She chuckled.

Steve smiled over to her, but before they could continue their conversation, Amelia and Steve began to feel the floor rumble. The mirror on the wall began to tremble. Steve and Amelia looked at each other with a worried visage, then hurried outside to see what all the commotion was about. Val, Catalina, Natasha, Bruce, Rhodey and Pepper all rushed out with Amelia and Steve. Once they were outside, they spotted an enormous space ship coming down to land in front of the building. It seemed to be carried by a superhuman. She was a clearly woman but she looked almost not real as her whole body looked like a flaming ball of fire as she flew down and set the space ship down effortlessly. Her outfit was gold, red and white and she was blonde. Her body fire quickly went out the moment she landed the ship.

Everyone ran over to the ship once the door was opened to it and out came a blue woman and Tony Stark. Tony looked so weak and fragile that Amelia resisted the urge to hug him tightly. Steve helped Tony down to the ground. "Couldn't stop him." Tony informed.

"Neither could we." Steve assured Tony that they all really tried.

"Hey, traitor." Tony smiled over at Cata.

Cata smiled back and gave him a squeeze. Traitor was her new nickname since Tony sent her off on a mission a while ago to spy on Wakanda's technology and ended up coming back to him announcing her marriage to T'Challa instead. "I missed you, Mr. Stark." She let go of him and allowed Tony and Amelia to reunite.

Amelia engulfed him in a tight hug. "I thought we lost you." Amelia sighed out in relief.

"At least we get a proper greeting now. I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that you're not dead." Tony held back his tears. Amelia was the only true family he ever had before he died. She was always around when he was growing up and he had developed quite the admiration for her intelligence growing up. Being in the Avengers together only solidified their relationship more. After she died, he was heartbroken and pledged to himself that he'd care for her children, which is exactly what he did with Valdís when he sent her to that science school in Queens, New York, and made her very own superhero suit.

Amelia ▹ AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now