17 | tesseract

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Back at the headquarters, everyone assembled the time travel suits and time travel platform in an efficient manner

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Back at the headquarters, everyone assembled the time travel suits and time travel platform in an efficient manner. Scott informed that, although there was a plentiful amount of pim particles for one person to use to travel through the quantum realm, there was only enough for one round trip per person except for one person. Rhea, though recently joining the team, decided she wouldn't travel back in time since there was already not enough for the team they already had. But, everyone else was a key component in the time travel heist. "I won't take it." Amelia announced.

"Woah, woah, woah, wait! You came up with this, you, of all people, deserve to go." Tony exclaimed.

"I have the time stone. I may be a little rusty in using my powers, but it could work." Amelia reminded him.

"You've never jumped through time with it, though. You've only ever stopped and slowed time." Steve butted in, shaking his head, not agreeing with her trying to risk it all by using her own powers.

"I suppose it's time for me to graduate from primary school and explore my powers then, huh? I think it's been long enough. Almost a century, right?" Amelia chuckled.

"I don't like it." Steve muttered.

"You don't like anything." Amelia scoffed, heading off to try on her suit.

* * *

The test run with Clint going back in time was successful. He managed to jump back in time and jump back in one piece. But, now, Amelia needed to test her own time stone to see if she, herself, could go back in time without the pim particles. She stood on the platform and took a deep breath. Steve and Tony watched, nervously, from afar as she mentally prepared herself. She closed her eyes and whispered "ire tempore." She felt a surge of energy pass through her and a gust of wind pass by her face.

When she shot open her eyes, she was exactly where she had wanted to be. 2014. HYDRA.

She walked through the halls and looked through the glass chambers. Many different children were locked up different cells in the HYDRA base. It was quite disheartening. Amelia came to a stop when she spotted the cell she wanted to see. The one with her daughters in it. She had been killed in 2014 after having her babies stolen from her. They were given abrasive chemicals to force them to grow quickly. The twins, Liviana and Valdís, were meant to be only two weeks old at that point, but because of the medicines HYDRA had created and injected in them, they looked like toddlers. Amelia watched as they waddled around, grabbing blocks and toys off of the ground to play with.

Amelia shed a few tears. She was so sad she missed out on raising them herself and watching them grow naturally, but, the universe seemed to have different plans for them.

Amelia wanted so badly to steal them and take them back to the future with her, but she knew that it wasn't right. That wasn't her mission. So, before she could hesitate, she whispered "postea redire" to return to the future. She watched a bright white light flash before her eyes and her surroundings disappear until the present day avengers headquarters reappeared around her.

Amelia ▹ AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now