18 | another way

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"Sorry, buddy, we got a problem

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"Sorry, buddy, we got a problem." Tony announced to Steve once they met up back in the same alley they arrived in 2014 New York.

Scott chuckled nervously. "Yeah we do."

Tony explained the situation on how Amelia lost the tesseract as kindly as he could, but Steve was still pissed off. "Well, what are we going to do now?" Steve huffed.

"You know what, give her a break, Steve. She just got slammed by a door from the Hulk." Tony defended her.

"We had one shot. This was our one shot. We shot it. It's shot. Six stones or nothing!" Scott exclaimed.

"Calm down. We can think of a new plan. There's always another way." Amelia calmed the boys down.

"How?! We only have one pym particle left, each." Steve scoffed.

"I could go by myself to another time—" Amelia began to suggest.

But, Steve and Tony instantly snapped their heads at her and gave her a death glare. "No!" They shouted at her simultaneously.

They were quiet for a moment until Tony piped up. "I got it!" He exclaimed.

"There's another way to retake the tesseract and acquire new particles. Little stroll down memory lane," Tony turned to Amelia, "military installation, Camp Lehigh."

Amelia shook her head. She couldn't remember that time period of her life. Mostly because she tried her best to block out her shameful activities. "When were they both there?" Steve instantly knew what Tony was talking about. The pym particles and the tesseract were at a SHIELD base at the same time in the 70s.

"I have a vague memory of it." Tony confessed.

"How vague?" Steve inquired.

Tony shot him a weary look. "Well, I guess we're improvising." Steve sighed then handed Scott the scepter he had taken.

"Get this back to the compound." Steve told Scott before walking back over to Amelia and Tony.

"When are we going?" Amelia asked.

"April 7th, 1970. New Jersey." Steve informed her.

"Guys, if you go, and it doesn't work out, you're not coming back!" Scott exclaimed.

"Thanks for the pep talk." Tony scoffed then turned to Steve.

"You trust me?" He asked.

"I do." Steve replied.

"Your call." Tony took a deep breath.

"Here we go." Steve pressed his button and Tony followed pursuit. Amelia whispered her incantation and met the other two exactly where they wanted.

Amelia ▹ AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now