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Five years later

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Five years later...
Tons of things happened within five years. Pepper had gotten pregnant and gave birth to Morgan Stark, the most precious thing in Tony's life. Morgan adored Amelia. She called her "Aunty Lia" and knew that Amelia was one of the three people that Tony cared most about in his life. No one else dared to bother Tony and his second chance at life except for Amelia, for she was only around to continue to be a part of Tony's family.

Catalina's life continued to be quite stagnant as she continued to rule Wakanda on her own. Clint Barton had been traveling around the world as a vigilante since he lost his family, and no one really ever knew where he was. Valdís finished grieving over Peter, but she never forgot about him. She still held onto the small string of hope that her mother would finally come up with a plan to bring everyone back.

Thor's life was going down the drain. All he did all day was drink alcohol, gain weight and play video games with his cosmic friends he brought to Earth.

Amelia was sitting in the living area of the Avengers' Headquarters reading up on some astrophysics books that Tony lended her. Tony has made fun of her for using such an antique method of studying science, especially since his AI was so advanced that she could figure out the solution to her problem on her own. But, Amelia knew that what she was looking for wasn't in his AI's system. She thought about using her own powers, the time stone, to fix everything. But, she had never managed to do anything more than slow, stop and resume time. She never even attempted to jump through time in the future or past utilizing her stone alone. So, she was essentially trying to figure out how to make a time machine on her own. And so far, she had nothing.

However, it was like the gods were speaking directly to her when Steve and Natasha called Amelia. "Amelia!!" They both shouted from the office.

Amelia jumped up and bolted over there and saw what the two were staring at. On the screen, there was surveillance of a mere white male standing at the front door waving his hands like a madman at the camera. "His name is Scott Lang, aka Ant Man. He helped me a few years back." Steve filled in Amelia.

"Well?" Amelia looked around at Natasha and Steve who weren't doing anything about it. "What the hell are you waiting for? Let him in!" She clapped her hands.

* * *

"Pleasure to meet you, I've heard- wow, oh my god- I've heard so much about you. Well- I'm not a stalker or anything... oh my god I'm holding Captain Chronos' hand." Scott whispered the last part to himself, super excited to be in her presence.

"Natasha looked into you and said you were dusted. How are you back?" Amelia asked, breaking their handshake.

"I wasn't dusted! Have any of you guys studied quantum physics?" Scott asked Natasha, Steve and Amelia.

Amelia ▹ AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now