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12 | POWER

Catalina was devastated from the results of the battle against Thanos

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Catalina was devastated from the results of the battle against Thanos. She had never once failed in her entire life. Yet, here she was... standing in a world with half of the population wiped from the surface of the earth as a failure. She had lost everything. Her husband, her family... Shuri. It was all unfair. The hero was supposed to be the one to win. But most of the heroes fighting were too broken and weak to defeat Thanos.

Catalina had high expectations going into the fight. She thought Amelia was supposed to be their savior. Mother Nature had led Catalina to dig Amelia up from the soil and revitalize her. She thought Amelia had to be important enough if the Earth was calling for her. But, now, Amelia had no time powers. She had been ciphering from the shard of the time stone she had, but now that it was ripped from her— she had nothing. Only her half alien blood left remnants of power for her, the power of compulsion. A useless power, nonetheless. Nevertheless, Amelia disappointed Catalina.

Catalina sat before Amelia at the funeral of her daughter, Liviana. Amelia was stricken by grief from losing even more after the battle with Thanos. She was beaten down; broken worse than all the other heroes combined. "We took two steps forward and one step back." Amelia spoke in between her sobs. She throat felt like it was twisting shut, as if the world were slowly choking the life out of her as she cried and mourned over her child. She had already moved past the wailing and screaming phase; yet, somehow, the nonstop sobbing seemed to feel worse.

"That's still one step forward." Catalina spoke, optimistically. She was never good at offering condolences to those that had lost loved ones. Hell, she had lost tons of loved ones and she really didn't know how to react. She was still processing the fact that T'Challa was truly gone. He was dust.

"Cata, I'm sorry you have to see me like this. You've also lost the love of your life." Amelia quickly wiped away her tears, smearing her mascara across her cheek as her hand swiped across.

"You know, Roman law states that air, flowing water and sea belong to all men?" Catalina spoke, randomly. She began to tap her feet nervously.

Amelia shook her head, unfamiliarized with this new information. "Well, when I first began sailing the seas, no one took me seriously. People pillaged and destroyed my ships. I lost everything. I had nothing. I had no crew. I had no cargo. I was broke and banned from nearly every nation in the world. But, when I finally realized the magnitude of my powers, the tides turned. I became the Serpent of the Sea. Feared by all, reckoned by none. I had to look at the big picture to find my answers and reclaim all that I lost. I learned that, I never lost anything. I owned the oceans. Flowing water belonged to me. The seas belonged to me. Not to all men, else all men would have my gifts. I had simply misplaced my things and had to go on a hunt to reclaim them from the ships of the pirates that hid them. Yes, T'Challa is gone, but he is mine and I am his. He isn't lost. He is in my soul," Catalina pointed to her chest, "I'll find him. Living, flesh and blood." She assured Amelia.

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