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Midtown High SchoolValdís was sitting in physics class when she heard the news of an unidentifiable flying object appearing over New York City

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Midtown High School
Valdís was sitting in physics class when she heard the news of an unidentifiable flying object appearing over New York City. It seemed as if Spider-Man, Iron Man, Bruce Banner and Doctor Strange had confronted the issue. "Wooaah. I wonder if the others on the field trip saw it!" A student exclaimed from the back of the class. There was an uproar once the students received the news. Even the professor was googling live footage of the encounter.

Val quickly whipped out her cellphone and dialed Peter. It rang a few times before he finally answered. "Hello?" Val spoke into the phone, trying to be heard over all of the commotion her peers were causing.

"Hey, Val." Peter grunted, as if he were fighting off something. His breaths were ridged and exasperated.

"Are you out there? With Tony?" Val asked, to be sure that the news wasn't just a rumor.

There was a pause. "Yeah..." He trailer off.

"You need me there? I can slip out of—" Val asked, getting quite excited to get into some major action.

But, Peter was quick to cut her off. "No, no, no, no, no. I'm fine— we're fine. Don't come." Peter spoke quickly, in his usual nervous manner.

"Parker..." Val growled at him, knowing something was up.

"Don't. Come. Okay, Val? Mr. Stark is already mad at me for coming." Peter informed.

"Mhmm." Val rolled her eyes then hung up on his face. Peter had known about Amelia showing up and didn't want Val to find out that her mother was freaking alive after being dead for years. Although the two only had been dating for some months, Peter cared so much for Val and didn't want her to get hurt and go rogue again, like she did before she met him. Val and her twin, Liviana, were HYDRA's lab rats for so long. They had been forced out of their mother's womb and essentially caused the death of their mother. HYDRA injected them with insane growth hormones to mature the twins quickly within only a couple of years. They were trained and used as weapons by HYDRA. Valdís was their prime weapon. Simply because her powers favored HYDRA's agenda. To destroy and kill. Val has the power to turn anything she touched to dust, whether it be by burning it or by simply stopping its heart from beating. Liviana, on the other hand, was her polar opposite. Anything Liv touches, she heals and grows.

* * *

20 minutes later...
24 declined calls and 4 voicemails to Peter later, Val was going crazy. She had managed to slip out of class, unnoticed, to skip the rest of the day. Peter and Tony went up into space with the UFO that was previously hovering over New York. Val knew that was extremely dangerous, and there was no way they were going to manage to come back without some help. But, there was nothing she could do. Her suit didn't allow her to fly, nor could she survive space with it. She didn't know what the hell to do, nor what the hell was going on. The only person she knew that could possibly help was her father. But, even he was inaccessible since he had to go off the grid because he didn't sign the Sokovia Accords like Tony or Peter or Liv or Val. Steve, of course, did check in from time to time. But, he would only call from a remote location with a burner phone. So, Val had no way to contact him, ever. If anyone did, it would've been Liv.

So that's exactly who she went to go see.

* * *

"I don't know, Val. All I know is that there was some kind of foreign invader and Tony, Peter, Strange, Banner and three other people confronted them. I know Banner and the other three slipped away, but Tony, Pete and Strange all were taken." Liv plopped herself onto her bed.

"Great, so you know as much as the news does. Who were the other three people, anyway?" Val sighed and laid next to Liv.

"Two of them were identified. Catalina da Silva, Queen of Wakanda. I did some research on her, apparently she's got powers and she was a pirate before marrying T'Challa. She even worked for Tony." Liv told.

"Huh? Wait, wait, wait. She's the intern?" Val widened her eyes in disbelief.

"I guess so. The other, one of Strange's comrades. Wong." Liv informed.

"Hmmm. And the third one they don't know who it is?" Val asked again.

"No. Police only know that she accompanied Catalina." Liv spoke.

"Have you tried calling dad?" Val inquired.

Liv shook her head. "Then what are you waiting for?! Chop chop. Get to it." Val clapped her hands.

"He hasn't answered my calls in a month. I've been keeping track of him though. He was here in New York yesterday, right after the encounter." Liv announced.

"Where is he now?" Val questioned.

Liv jumped up and grabbed her laptop. She opened it and a map popped up on her screen. "Looks like he's flying over the Atlantic right now." Liv told.

"Can you tell where it's headed? Maybe we can go there, see if we can help or get some info." Val peeked over Liv's shoulder.

Liv was quiet for a moment as she drew out an imaginary line to where his destination could be. "Looks like he's headed for Wakanda."

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