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A small knock came from Amelia's bedroom door the day after her little meltdown in front of the others

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A small knock came from Amelia's bedroom door the day after her little meltdown in front of the others. Amelia carefully opened the door and peeled through the crack of the door to see who it was. It was Catalina. "I heard we've finally got a plan." Catalina told, letting herself in by pushing open the door.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be here while you all were time traveling and all, but, I had a country to run. But I need my T'Challa much more than I need the approval of who's left of Wakanda." Catalina clenched her jaw, clearly stressed out about her time serving as queen to a country.

"We need everyone back. Valdís hasn't been the same since Peter disappeared." Amelia mentioned.

Catalina grabbed Amelia's hand and squeezed it. "I'm sorry for the harsh things I said to you at your child's funeral. No one deserves to be spoken to in such a way especially after a tragedy. I was hurt and my hopes were obliterated. I hope we can still be good friends." Catalina apologized.

"I know firsthand what it's like saying things we don't mean to those we care for." Amelia forgave her. Catalina gave Amelia a hug.

* * *

"When this is all finally over, we can go back to New Asgard and finally be together." Thor ascertained.

Rhea turned to face him and chuckled. "Of course. I have a few loose ends to tie up after Banner does the snap to bring everyone back, but, after that we are free."

"We could have children." Thor bid.

Rhea snickered. "Or, we could just get a dog."

"I want a large family." Thor ignored her dismissal of having children.

"A cat sounds nice." Rhea continued to dismiss his wild dreams. She knew eventually he'd likely get what he wanted, but she didn't want to move so fast just yet. She needed to make sure those relying on her were okay. Asa needed to be safe and secure; Phoebe and Cassiopeia needed to be found.

* * *

Everyone was in the lab, nervously watching as Bruce readied himself to put on the gauntlet Tony had made to hold all of the infinity stones. Amelia stood behind Tony who had an electromagnetic shield and his armor on to protect himself from the force of the power being absorbed by Hulk once he does his snap. Rhea conjured a magical barrier around herself and Thor. All the while, Steve held his shield close with his other arm protecting Valdís. Catalina stood tall, not caring if she got a little hurt since it would have all been worth it once she saw T'Challa.

"Friday, activate Barndoor Protocol." Tony instructed into his suit. His AI instantly locked down the lab with strong steel sealing the entire building.

"Everybody comes home." Bruce carefully slid his hand into the gauntlet, and the moment it was on, the overwhelming amount of energy surging into Hulk was already hurting him. He began to groan and dropped to his knees.

Amelia ▹ AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now