The rumble

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     Bakugou has been a trouble maker ever since he was a kid but now that he's older his consequences will be worse. If anyone ever slowed him down or tried to stop him they weren't worth his time. He thought he could live his life like this forever but sometimes meeting someone changes everything..

     I walked home with only two things on my mind; Izuku Midoriya and a ride home but had neither. I heard a familiar voice call my name and Kaminari ran over, Sero followed him close behind. Pikachu here is the leader of our gang. "The others said they couldn't come. So disappointing BUTTTTT maybe we could go to a club!" Kaminari said with a mischievous grin on his face.

     Before I knew it we were at the club playing who could take the most shots but then the game turned to who could get someone to go home with them. "I-I'm n-not gonna participate.." I said as I watched them walk into the crowd.

     My phone began ringing and Deku's face appeared on the screen, I walked into the bathroom and picked up. "K-Kacchan! W-We are having trouble with Purplevine!"

"Who the fucks that?" 

"The other gang we were supposed to fight earlier, we ended up running into them!" He yelled through the phone, I heard a thud and he said bye as the call ended. I walked out of the bathroom and had to search for the idiots that I came here with. 

     Don't tell me they already went home with someone.. I called them but no one picked up. Fucking hate them. I quickly left and ran to the place the rumble was said to happen at, I saw them in the parking lot. "It's not a fucking fight without me!" I yelled as I ran towards them, half the people stopped and looked at me but I soon jumped on a guy and the fight continued.


     Finally they retreated after a good hour. "Where's Kami and Sero?"

"They are probably with some girls or guys right now." I said as we walked out of the lot. "Cya later. I'm gonna head home and hit the sack!" I turned the corner and headed home.

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