His room

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     Bakugou awkwardly stared at me. "But why?" 

"My dads home and he got mad, I had to do something or my sis would have gotten hurt.." His face twisted into a bunch of emotions but then he just looked angry. "D-Don't worry! I can don't want you to get hurt." I said as he pinned me onto the bed.

"Kirishima.. Do I have to beat-" A mischievous grin appeared on his face. "I mean fuck some sense into you!" He began to laugh a little.

Bakugou's p.o.v

     I pressed my lips onto his, my hand slithered down to his boxers and quickly removed them. He jumped at the sudden movement, I ran my fingers up his thigh. "B-Baku.." My fingers touched the tip and ran up his length, his body quivered as I touched him. 

     I massaged his length as I searched for his sweet spot as I hit it he let out a moan, I felt my pants get kinda tight. I grabbed his hand and held it tightly as with the other I began to pump his length. I noticed him biting his lip trying to keep the moans in.

     He looked into my eyes with his face as red as his hair. "I-I thought you said you were gonna fuck some sense into me.." I felt a smirk appear on my face, I knew I probably looked cocky but I will admit.. I did feel confident maybe a little to confident... I felt his hands move down to my pants and unzip them, our eyes stayed locked. 

     My clothes laid on the floor scattered with his. I kissed him as I positioned myself at his hole, rubbed against him, I teased him for awhile. 

As I pushed in I watched him, his eyes shut tight and his hands tightly grabbing onto the sheets. I placed my hands on his hips and forcefully thrust in, his back arches as his grip on the sheets tightens. I quickly thrust in and out, watching as he flinches with each thrust, I press my lips onto his.

     "B-Baku.. It hurts." His eyes open and look at me, I thrust in and his eyes shut once again. 

Kirishima's p.o.v

     The feeling was starting to turn more into pleasure than pain. I let the sheets go and a moan slipped out of me, I felt my face heat up. Another cocky smile appeared on his face and his lips connected with mine. 

      Wild moans slipped out of me as he slammed into me, I tried to keep them quiet but I couldn't help it. I felt my length twitch and I knew I was close, he thrusted in and I moaned loudly as I came on his stomach. I felt something shoot into me and he slowly pulled out, he fell next to me and I turned away. 

     What if this is just what he wanted.. not me but my body. I felt his arms wrapped around me and pull me into a hug, his lips explored my shoulders and neck. "I should go check on my sister." As I got up a sudden pain shot up my back. Fucking hell.. I fell back onto the bed and looked at him. "Can you tell her I fell asleep?"

"Yeah, put on some clothes so I can send her in here." He got up and threw my clothes at me, the door open and shut, I pulled on some clothes and heard the floor boards creaking as she ran into the room. "He said we're sleeping in here!" She jumped onto the bed and hugged me, she rolled up in the blankets.

     I felt awkward with her in this bed...


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