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     I had fallen asleep on the newspapers I was looking through but my sis was gone. I opened the door and looked outside, my sis sat there on the porch. "Hey.." She said quietly as she turned around, her amber orange eyes locked with mine and she smiled. "You shouldn't be outside while it's so cold." I said as I pulled her up and set he on her feet.

     "Dad called... He said he's gonna be here tomorrow." 

"Oh.. Well let's clean up!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the house. "I-I don't want to see him though!" She yelled as she pulled her hand away, she looked down at the ground and stood with her fists clenched. I knew what she meant.. He was a bit abusive.. I honestly don't like seeing him much either but I try to make the things the best I can.. Just so we don't get a beating as much. 

     I grabbed her hands in mine and suggested that we go get some ice cream. That wiped the frown right off her face that was replaced with a sweet little smile. I grabbed my wallet and we left the house.


     I handed her the ice cream and she began eating it instantly, I took her hand in mine as we walked. "Is it good?" She nodded and I looked back up as we walked and I kept her close as it got darker. It seemed like we were passing the place where the gangs hung out 'cause there were lots of people dress kinda the same everywhere. As we walked I soon saw the ashy blonde from the other day. His ruby red eyes locked on me once again. Is there something wrong with the way I look?.. 

     As we passed he whispered something into my ear.

I hope you liked this chapter!

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