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Kawaii on the street, senpai in the sheets!

     I heard crashing and thudding from inside the house, I turned and looked. He was throwing beer bottles and breaking things, we didn't have enough money to repair this shit. I woke up my sister and told her to wait here, I broke the window and crawled in. "Stop!" I yelled as I pull my leg in, he turned to look at me. "Kiri.." 

     His bloodshot eyes looked at me. "Get out." He began, I stood and looked at him, waiting for the worst but he seemed to be still. His quirk was to turn into ash and he could harden like me. I heard a thud behind me and my little sister was sitting on the floor next to the window. (We have to give her a name) "Sia.." (That will be her name.. I know it's not the best!) 

     Dads eyes flicked over to her and he sunk down to the ground, I saw ashes head towards her. I picked her up and jumped out of the window, I saw the ash leaking from under the door. Then it disappeared back under, the door flew open. "I forgot it was easier to do this! C'mon Kiri, it's time to come inside!" 

     I felt his hand meet my chest and push me down the few steps we had, I hardened before we hit the ground. I kept my sister safe in my arms. "Kirishima.. It's. Time. To. Come. Inside." I looked at my sis and she shook her head, I got up and set her on the ground. He began walking towards us, my sis pulled my hand and she began running. "Kiri! You haven't even fought him and you already have cuts and bruises!" 

     As we turned the corner I looked down at my clothes, they already had rips. "Not just your clothes stupid!" She pulled me into a gas station and sent me to the mens bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I saw what she meant, I walked out and she stood there. "Do we just stay here?" She nodded. 

Bakugou's p.o.v 

     I walked into the gas station, it was about 2 a.m. so not many people were here, I walked into the bathroom. I did my business and washed my hands. I exited the bathroom and wandered to the back of the store. I saw red hair but it was down not up like Kirishima's usually is, I saw it disappear. 

     It doesn't matter.. Kirishima would be home at this time. Probably taking care of his sister.. As I wandered I felt the urge to see if it was him. I finally walked into the aisle and they were facing the opposite way and their clothes were shredded. It wasn't him, he would never fight..

     As I was paying I saw the idiots face, I called over to him and he turned the other way. I walked over to him and his sister, she was staring at me as he seemed to be ignoring me. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around to look at me. I looked at him clothes. "What happened?" His eyes avoided my gaze as I held his head between my hands. 

     "Come with me." I let him go and walked out the doors, I held it open for them and they followed. 


     As we turned down the road that lead to their house they hesitated to pass the house and stood by the fence. "C'mon.." He ran towards me and I helped them over a fence, I jumped over after them. As we walked I heard them quietly talking behind me, mostly about where we were going. Finally I heard Kirishima ask me something. "Where are we going?" I turned and looked at him with a smirk, I winked and his face tinted to a light pink. 

     "Were are going to...

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