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     He was blushing. A nervous smile came onto his face as he stuttered the words. "I-I love you..." I felt my face heat up and I stood then walked out of the room, I didn't know what else to do............... I looked back at the door and walked down the hall.. It felt like I couldn't control my actions, I was there seeing everything but things weren't registering in my brain.

     I ended up at my house and I slowly walked in, thinking about what just happened. I crawled onto the couch and laid on the couch staring at the blank TV.

Kirishima's p.o.v

     "Mr. Kirishima, you may leave." The nurse said as she smiled and left the room, I sat up and pulled on my usual clothes. "C'mon Sia n Kirishima, we gotta get home before it gets to dark." I awkwardly followed the out but Bakugou was on my mind.. 

     I walked into the house and Bakugou was asleep on the couch. "Are you sure it's okay that we stay here again?" I aked Kaminari as I kept my eyes on Bakugou, he nodded. Sia pushed me into the room and she jumped on the bed and instantly rolled up in the blanket. I laid next to her but Bakugou and the whole incident kept replaying in my head.


     I sat up and looked at the time and it was only 5 in the morning, I told my sister I would be gone for awhile. I snuck passed the people and out the door, I honestly didn't know where to go. I saw some cops patrolling the neighborhood, they saw me and walked over. I turned and walked back into the house, I shut the door and just sat in front of it. "Kid we have some questions for you!" I cracked open the door.

     "The ashy blonde kid you were seen with, he almost killed someone. Do you know where he might be?" 

"No, sorry sir." I waited for them to walk away then I left but they probably knew I was lying. I walked passed my house and it looked absolutely trashed. 

     Bakugou, I felt like I didn't want to see him again but he had seen my body and was my first.... I didn't want to leave him, does he love me? Why did he leave? I ran into a fence and I backed away and turned I saw Tetsutetsu. He smiled and waved, he walked over his white hair bounced as he walked. "Hey Kirishima!"

"Hey!" I wondered what he was going up so early but his response was "I don't know" 

We were friends because we fought but our quirks were the same so.. it was gonna go on forever if we didn't call it a tie. We just kinda stayed friends after that but I talked to him less and less but here he is again. We walked around just talking about what we've been doing for the passed year. 

It took awhile but I explained my position and what was going on with my dad and Bakugou."Well you do look pretty beat up." He said as he playful punched my arm. 

"I gotta go man! Cya tomorrow?" 

"Yeah." He turned and walked around the corner, I assumed it was time I head home and mmmmaaayyyybbbbbeeee talk to Bakugou.

HAHAHAHA I got this up before 12 a.m. so it isn't two days!

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