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I like had this dream and oml I wish I could say it was the weirdest but no. Like there was this all mighty powerful god person and like her would pick me up and fly around. Until I would somehow get out of his grasp and eventually this book came along but it was a fart book. There were like holes through a few pages and he would trap the fart  there.. Some people I knew were there and they helped like once and he would chase me around with his fart book. Then I like started making fart.. jokes and everyone laughed and then I just woke up from that fart fest............ XD why me?

There was also this one time I woke up and my first instinct was to moo like a cow and I like shook my head slightly and I just realized what flippin' happened. I was kinda disappointed in myself.

Im just gonna talk about dreams cuz it has begun why stop? You can just skip this ep. but the 15th probably isn't up.

There was like this one that where I had like fish.(I hate small animals 'cause when you wanna go somewhere you have to like get someone to watch them and sometimes you can't. Like my sisters have guinea pigs, fish, and a chinchilla. But I'm just fine with the family dog and have no pets that are for just me but they made that mistake!) So the dream I had fish and there was a mini puffer fish, one of the striped fish and a very small yellow fish. They were all small. So for some reason one was still in the tank while I was cleaning it and you know those sink strainers that are supposed to keep stuff from going down the drain.. It had big hole and the fish fell down it and I tried to save him but he was gone and then I woke up. It was like 2 am lol.

There was also this one it was just so real.. I was at the elementary I went to and like my family was there.. and this murder guy was there and I had to find him he had my family but that school went everywhere. Like in the dream it was even more twisted and scarier but I had to find him. I appeared in front of the school and he dropped my sister into this thing like right when I looked at him he let her go. My mom stood there crying but he came after me and I woke up before his hand landed on my shoulder. 

There was this dream that I just fell off a mountain forever.

There was this terrifying dream it was just haunting, I don't even like to think about it..

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