The Madness That Rose

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Fair warning: This book is not edited YET! Sorry for the errors. It's ridonkulous! But I'm still trying to finish this :) love you guys


The worst thing in life is dying. But what if you can come back to life? What if you can have a second chance of living? The government wondered the same thing.

The government wanted it for many reasons. Reasons like faking deaths or wanting to reanimate a beloved president. That's when they decided to have a top secret research about this. They've gathered the most intelligent people they can hire from all over the world. Many came from India, Japan, Russia, and many other countries. They tested on animals first, but months passed, and they were ready for a human guinea pig. A homeless man was Test Subject 1. The scientist first gave him rabies. He died but did not come back. A Russian prostitute was Test Subject 2. They gave her Sleeping Sickness. The first few days, her brain swells. Then she began slurring her words and not eating. She died later that week. They brought in fifty more subjects. Every single one failed. They kept bringing useless people inside their facility to test on until one unfortunate day, they brought in Test Subject 103. The scientist were excited to test a new virus. This virus was called Dexteria. They named it after test subject 1. His name was Fendric Dexteria. Dexteria had the same side-affects as rabies and Dysarthria, but those two viruses have this one cell that could control the brain once the victim is dead. The cell could make the brain function just a bit more. The side-affects could be cured, so the scientist injected Dexteria to Test Subject 103. 103 died a few minutes after. But 103 had risen. The Dysarthria affected the motor skills and the speech skills of 103. The rabies made 103 act in a funny way. The rabies made 103 hungry. One scientist tried touching 103, but he got bit. He was sent to the infirmary for stitches. The scientist who got bit turned into the same thing as 103 a few momments later. Dexteria was contagious. It was too late already. Dexteria had gotten to half of the facility by saliva. The virus had gotten out of control...


News has spread through the whole country as one viral video rose on the internet later that day. The footage was about a lady chasing a man and eating him. But more and more live footage of canibalism had rose, and people began to panic after one news reporter died on film by a crazed man. The people knew that this was no accident. They knew that drugs and alcohol had no part in this. Families were torn apart, cities burn, people died, and madness rose. Fires, deaths, looting, and shootings were common in a few cities near the outbreak. By two days, the virus had spread halfway the U.S. There was no cure... There was no way in getting out because all the scientist who had made the virus all died. There will be no cure. There will be madness.

Abella Boxter and her little sister Alia Boxter were a perfect American family. They both have hard working parents, a friendly brother, and even a big house. What if that all changed one day? By that, what if they lose everything they have because of that one, scary virus? Will everything go out of control, or will it be another challenge for the Boxter girls

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