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Chapter 19


A small breeze passed by me. The stench of blood and corpses had managed it's way to my senses. It's been a long time since I've seen more than five infected.

The hallway seemed like it was the same as two years ago. It still had those flickering emergency lights. I do remember going through two doors before leaving this hallway, but the door yards away from me is what I only need to open.

I gripped my glock tightly and began walking down the hallway. Besides my heart beating hard and fast, I only could hear my boots thumping and the lights flickering. I've yet to hear the noise of the disgusting creatures a few feet away from me.

As I got closer, I see Doc's machete, the one he used to block the door. That's the door where Bernie lies on the other side... with his body rotting. I stopped from anxiety but snapped out of it. I won't let fear control me. I tucked the glock behind me and walk up to the door. I felt the sharp, bloody machete. It was rusting.

As I slid my finger across the blade, it had cut me. The machete is still in a good condition. I laid my hand on the grip. The door began banging. The infected...

I wrapped my fingers around the black handle. I breathed in and took the machete out. I stepped back and let out a smile while the door swept open. I don't know if I'll be coming home again, but it is worth a try.

I charged up to one of the infected and sliced part of its head off. It fell to the ground. I see two more coming its way towards me. I put my two hands on the grip and ran up to one and kicked it on the ground. I smashed its brain out with my foot. I turn around to see the other one a few inches away from biting me. I swung my machete back and swiped the weapon down the infected's skull. It was lodge up there. I tried pulling the machete out, but it was no use. Blood splattered all over my face. I let go of the sharp weapon and took out the knife from my boot.

I look in front of me to see many more infected. They were hungry and fast, but I was faster. I went up to one and put my left hand on its shoulder then stabbed it in the eye with my knife. I retrieved my knife and blood gushed out of the infected. I can tell my face is a bloody mess.

One of the infected then walked up to me, but I kicked it down and stabbed it in the middle of the forehead. I look up to see how many were left. There were still ten. I dropped my knife and pulled out my silenced glocks. I'm not good with duel wield, but it's a lot faster.

I pointed my guns at the small horde and began shooting. One by one, the horde slowly died out until there was one left which I shot right in the eye.

I was already out of breathe. I sat down with the gore around me and wiped the blood off my face, but I hear something. In the distance, I see one infected. It was trying to stand up. I stood up with my guns on my side and walked up to the disabled infected. As I got closer, I see that its legs had been eaten by its own. But when I finally was in front of the thing, I realized that it was no normal infected. It was Bernie.

"Bernie..." I muttered.

He held out a hand towards me but with a hungry growl. He began biting the air and dragging himself towards me. He was slow. Bernie was... one of them.

He grabbed my foot.

"I'm sorry..." I murmured.

I dropped one of my guns and pointed my right gun at Bernie's head. Bernie rose his head up, and he had shown me his eyes. It was grey and dull. This being is not Bernie anymore. Bernie had the most generous eyes. Bernie was no sinner; he was a saint. I shot the damned right then and there. Bernie's head thumped down to the ground. His hands let go of me.

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