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I decided to continue the book!

Chapter 33


We all walk down a dangerous road to anywhere. We have nothing. We escaped with nothing. We are nothing but a group of kids.

I hold the walkie talkie Shaang spoke through. The words he told could be true yet fantasy. Maybe if I have hope... Maybe it is true. There has to be a cure. Do I take the risk of saving humanity?

"I'm tired." I hear Annette whisper beside me as she hold on my shirt.

I look down to her and tell the group, "I think it's too dangerous walking in a dark, vulnerable path to nowhere with just a few weapons. Let's rest."

I could barely see a thing with Goldy's dim flashlight and with the moonlight.

"Oh thank goodness!" Charlie exhaled, "Miles and I will set up some firewood."

Goldy replied," Alia and I will go ahead and make us a small shelter."

I take Annette's hand and walk into the woods with the group. Miles and Charlie begin picking up some wood while Goldy and I begin making a small shelter for us to sleep in. Annette sits down and watches us.

As Goldy and I take blankets from Charlie's backpack, Goldy stares at me.

"What?" I question her in a quiet voice.

"What's wrong? You seem really down." She asked.

I look down and began unfolding the blankets. What's wrong? Miles.

Goldy huffs and begins making supports for the shelter with fallen branches.

"Why did you want to leave?" She blurts out as she stabs the ground with a thick branch.

I let out a breath, "Goldy... I was just mad-"

"Mad?" Goldy angrily questions, "I trusted you. I really did believe in you, but I see that you would leave us for some stupid little high school drama."

Suddenly, I feel a blast of warm air brush on my cold cheeks. I look over to see a decent size fire Charlie made a few feet near me and Goldy.

"I'm so glad a brought this lighter." Charlie laughed as he tossed his small, green lighter up in the air. He puts it in his pocket and ruffles his hair with his right hand. Charlie then begins to throw in some sticks and branches in the fire.

I stood up and got closer to the fire. I stick my hands out to keep myself warm.

"Charlie," I hear Miles behind me call.

I turn around to see Miles carrying a log and place it right behind me.

"Now it's like we're in a real campfire!" Charlie gleamed.

Charlie went up to the log and sat right beside me. I leaned against the log. I see Goldy sit with us with Annette too. Miles sat on the opposite side of the campfire.

Goldy leaned against the log right beside me.

"I'm really sorry, Goldy. I should've thought better than to betray our group." I apologized.

Goldy, mutters, "I forgive you... I just was a bit mad too. I really did not want to lose some else, especially not you."

She looks at me and then back to the campfire. I stare at her eyes that had tears forming.

"Dodge..." I whisper, "Your father... He died a hero. He loved you so much that he gave his life to you."

"If he loved me so much, why did he have to let me live this kind of life-long pain?" She murmurs.

The Madness That RoseWhere stories live. Discover now