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Chapter 32


I woke up to reality. Guns were being shot and fired from the infected that escaped or even attracted from the shots fired. It was a whole mess. Charlie killed people one by one as they tried hurting him, Goldy, or even me. Goldy finally broke the fence gate open and freed Miles.

"Come on!" Miles shouts.

He runs over to me and grabs my hand as we all began running. I had my rifle back over my shoulders, but my glock was in my hand. I began shooting at infected but not people. I was too afraid. That's murder...

Miles led the way as we all ran to the warehouse to the cages. Goldy and Charlie ran behind as they shot the infected behind us. As we entered inside and headed to the cages, someone stopped us. We had almost lost them, but there was a man with an assault rifle pointing at us. Since the moonlight shined behind him, I only see a silhouette. As I look closer, I've realized who he was and so did Goldy from the gasp I heard from her.

"Papa?" Goldy muttered.

It was Dodge. The last time I remember, he was giving me a good talk with his bellowing laugh and his friendliness. In front of us stood a different man. A man with fear struck down on his face like someone drew it with a permanent marker. His hands were shaking terribly as he points at us. There was no way of missing a shot since we were so close, feets away. I, too, was scared but not as much as Dodge.

"Papa, put the gun down. Please!" Goldy whimpered.

Dodge just stared at her. Anger rises.

"Why did you do it?" He asked her,"Why destroy this town?"

Goldy looked at her father with mellow eyes. Somehow, it shows me sorrow.

Goldy replied with a somewhat angry tone, "You knew that this town was a cruel place. You knew ever since Mom- Ever since the accident. I had to, Papa. For the sake of my promise."

I see tears form in her beautiful eyes. Just then, a small, unnoticeable tear rolled down her cheeks. Something happened to Goldy to make her so passionate with the hate of the town.

We look behind to see that men with big guns were coming towards us. I turn back around to see Dodge. He began walking towards us with his gun pointed. He reloads and began shooting. I closed my eyes as I feel Miles grip onto my hand. I was shaking in fear. I came face to face with death that day, but I opened my eyes to see that I haven't been hurt neither was Miles, Charlie, nor Goldy. I look behind to see Dodge shooting at the men behind us. Many fell to the ground, but after a few shots fired, a man shoots Dodge right at his arm. He winces but keeps going. Goldy gasps as she sees him being shot right on his shoulder and abdomen. Dodge fell to his knees, still shooting. Miles tugs my hand as a sign to go. Charlie holds Goldy back as she tries her hardest to fall into her father's arms again.

"Papa!" She cried in a heartbreaking tone.

Dodge turns around as he takes a grenade from his pocket.

"Goldy," Dodge turns around to his daughter in tears with a smile, "I'm dying as a monster to others, but I'm dying as a hero to you."

He takes the pin off and runs towards the crowd as he was shot over and over. Dodge never made it. He fell to the ground and died as someone shot him right at his head. The grenade rolled over to the men as Dodge fell to the ground. Miles pulled me away and ran with Charlie and Goldy, away from the blast radius. I feel a push against my back as I hear a loud explosion. I fell to the ground with a ring in my ears. I couldn't hear. Everything was black, but I soon opened my eyes. I look behind me. Fire was everywhere. When the grenade exploded, the jeep went with it as well as the gas containers. I began regaining my hearing as I hear Miles shouting my name. He was in front of me, shaking my shoulders. I was laying on the ground, head turned to the explosion. I was pulled up by Miles and stood up. I felt blood drop down my head, but thankfully, Goldy and Charlje were okay. We all began running to the cages. I was still dazed and confused as I ran. My head hurts. I sucked it up and kept running. We ran passed some cages as we finally made it to the eight foot concrete wall.

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