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Chapter 29


I grin at Alia's statement. She seems like a brave girl who was all that courage and strength bundled up in her heart. No wonder why that boy likes her so much, from what he had said. She gives me that mysterious hope of some sort. Maybe it's her humanity. I've never really met anyone who would risk their life just like that for people. Everyone changed after this apocalypse. Many have changed in a terrible way. A few changed to something no one could ever. Alia was one of the few.

"Goldy," Alia speaks with fiery eyes,"There is no such thing as fear right now. Actually, fear is something I can't afford. Living life with fear is not living at all. I really need your help."

Alia stares at me with passion. Even though I just met her, she seems to be that person that you would want to stick with during this life style of surviving. I strongly believe that she will be a loyal friend to me.

My head nods, agreeing.

"Who says I'm afraid?" I smirk.

Alia smiles,"Thank you, Goldy. Welcome to the team."

Alia takes my hand and begins leading me out of the garden and into the warehouse. We pass by the gate with the guards, and I give them a smile like I always do. They return the gesture by tipping their military styled hat at me. I look in front to see sparks flying in the air from the engineers fixing the jeeps to suit the outside. I watch as a man wipes black oil on his cheek. We pass by some men drinking some beer and laughing at the conversation they talk. We head out the warehouse and to the main yard. Kids dashed across with their toy cars and you helicopters. Their imaginations roam the atmosphere as Alia evaluates the plan in her head while I anxiously wait for the arrival of the plan. Alia opens the school door and enters the school. I stay quiet as I pass kids who are my age. I see Tiffany and her posse gossiping and whispering of who knows what since they have nothing better to do. I silently laugh as I know that these prissy little princesses won't even survive a minute outside. They'll be too busy worrying about their skirt being dirty.

"I'll show you my friend, Charlie." Alia spoke as she let's go of my hand.

"Who's Charlie?" I ask out of curiosity.

"He's one of my friends. Charlie is a good person." She tells me.

I nod from understanding. Alia leads me to the school courtyard. There, we enter the school nurse room. As we enter, I spot a handsome boy who was in the process of slipping his shirt on. I saw bruises... But I never questioned them as they were none of my business.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't expect anyone to come. " Charlie awkwardly smiled as he scratches the back of his head.

Charlie's voice was higher than Miles and a bit raspy. He began to blush as he realized that I was here.

"I didn't realize any new guest would come either." Charlie laughs.

"Charlie, we need your help. Miles and the group is in trouble." Alia quickly informs.

Charlie wobbly stood up from surprise.

"What happened?" He questions.

I walk up to him and make him sit back down.

"First," I tell him, "Calm down and relax. I see you're hurt, and we need you to be better for tonight."

Charlie sits back down as I push his shoulders down.

"What about tonight?" He asks with worry.

Alia replies, "There's this thing the people do here. It's called the Execution Game. Miles and the group will be the players tonight."

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